News and Articles


County Moves Forward in Creating New RTD with City; First Important Date Approaches

Santa Fe County prepares for the first important date in the creation of a new Regional Transit District (RTD), July 24.  July 24th is the day that the first public notice announcing a joint public hearing by the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County regarding the creation of a new RTD will published.

The tentativetimeline in placing a GRT on the ballot in November to create a new City/County RTD is as follows:

July 28 
Measure goes to Santa Fe City Council Public Works Committee for recommendation

August 4
Joint City and County Public Hearing, City of Santa Fe Council Finance Committee meeting- recommendation.   Joint meeting of City Council and County Commission to individually approve Intergovernmental Contract creating the RTD.

August 5
City/ County submit intergovernmental contract, by laws and operating procedures (73-25-4) to State Transportation Commission.

August 7
Special meeting of the State Transportation Commission (STC to certify the RTD).  STC signs and submits letter to the Santa Fe County Clerk, certifying the RTD.

August 11
Santa Fe City/County RTD Board (RPA) meeting to approve Resolution to place GRT measure on November 4 ballot.  After RTD Board, Santa Fe County Board of County Commissioners to approve ordinance being advertised/published.

August 12
If adopted, notice of adoption of ordinance is published. Santa Fe County Board of Commissioners advertise the RTD election ordinance.

August 26
Santa Fe County Board of Commissioners meeting to approve ordinance regarding the RTD GRT tax, subject to approval at election and placing the GRT measure on the November 4 ballot.

September 9
Fall-back date for Santa Fe County Commission to approve ordinance regarding the RTD GRT tax, subject to approval at election and placing the GRT measure on the November 4 ballot.

September 12
Last possible day that Santa Fe County Board of Commissioners could approve ordinance imposing GRT tax subject to approval at election, and placing GRT measure on the November 4 election ballot.

November 4