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County Pulls Interim Development Ordinance From Agenda; Growth Management Plan Timetable Announced

Santa Fe County has removed the Interim Development Ordinance from the Board of County Commissioners’ (BCC) agenda.  “We will scrutinize each land use application very closely until the Board adopts a new Growth Management Element to the General Plan and a revised Land Development Code,” said County Manager Roman Abeyta
The County has initiated an accelerated timetable for adopting a plan to manage sustainable growth.  The complete Growth Management Element and revised Land Development Code are expected to be presented to the County Development Review Committee (CDRC) and the BCC for adoption by December.  In late March, the BCC will consider referring the proposed first portion of the Element to the CDRC.  The CDRC can then conduct public workshops and hearings to ensure a full discussion of the Element.
The first of four 3-day charrettes presenting alternative approaches for the preparation of a new Growth Management Element to the General Plan concluded on Wednesday night.  The first charrettes was held in El Norte and over the past 3 days, over 200 people attended and progress was made in addressing specific goals and objectives for the plan, community boundaries, transportation needs, capital facilities, services and strengthening the community as an active stakeholder for land use.
After the next 3 charrettes (El Centro, Galisteo, and Estancia), the first part of the Growth Management Element, including the County’s vision, goals, and objectives and procedural revisions to the Land Development Code, will be presented to the BCC.  The next charrette (El Centro) begins February 9 at 6:00 PM at Santa Fe Community College.  More information on the charrettes is available at