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County Reduces Courthouse Height by 20 feet: 95% of New Courthouse 52 feet or Less

Santa Fe County released updated renderings today of the new courthouse.  After meetings with the Historic Design Review Board and an advisory group made up of local architects, designers, and others involved in the preservation of historic design in Santa Fe, the County instructed its design team to take heed and make changes.  The result is the following:

The design team was instructed to look at the following and has incorporated some items discussed:

1. Building Height

    * Original building parapet height was approximately 72’ and was a 4 story building.
    * The building parapet height was reduced to 64’ and a 3 story structure.
    * First meeting with community members on September 13, 2007.
    * Building parapet height was further reduced to approximately 48’ along Sandoval and the northwest and southwest corners of the building.
    * This was accomplished by reducing the heights at the ground level along with height reductions at the courtroom levels.
    * The area over the Judges Chambers was lowered to allow for set back along Sandoval and Montezuma.
    * Roof parapet height area above courtrooms is approximately 52’ and set back 20’ along Sandoval and Montezuma.
    * Second meeting with community members on October 12, 2007.
    * The mechanical equipment was moved to basement level to allow for deletion of the mechanical penthouse at building entry and further reduce building height.
    * A cooling tower is located on the roof and is at the north end of the building behind the stair tower.
    * Cooling tower enclosure is approximately 62’ in height, same height as the stair tower.
    * Building parapet height area:

1,760 sf of 62’ high parapet (5% of roof area)

17,100 sf of 52’ high parapet (48% of roof area)

16,140 sf of 48’ parapet height (47% of roof area)

2. Eastside Glazing

    * Original eastside glazing covered entire wall area.
    * Glazing along eastside is an important element for visual from the exterior as well as the interior from plaza.
    * Glazing area has been reduced.
    * Protrusions have been developed to break up glazing area and to allow for seating areas in public gallery off courtrooms.

3. Plaza Design

    * The plaza design has been further developed to include trellis shade structures and portals.

    * The plaza design has also incorporated vegetation areas above the parking structure.
    * Colonnade along Sandoval Street has been incorporated which will be attached to the building and allow for an accessible route under the portal.
    * Colonnade along Sandoval Street also have created an additional step back to break up the wall mass.

4. Entry Structure per the Historical Board comments.

    * Beam structure length and columns have been developed to better meet historic requirements.
    * Massing has been re-designed to allow for column supports in lieu of cantilever support.
    * Entry portal has been introduced at the main entry.

5. Courtyard off the Jury Deliberation room has been developed

    * Seating areas with shade structures.
    * Wall surround for security and privacy.

6. Building Location on Site

    * The building is located on site to allow for the District Attorney’s Building to remain in place.
    * Master plan allows for future expansion along east side to maintain formal plaza design.

7. LEED Design

    * Water collection from building roof area to cisterns
    * Photo sensors in spaces with high levels of natural light (day lighting control).
    * Design to meet night sky code requirements.
    * Occupancy sensors.
    * Re-circulation pump for domestic water system (temperature controlled).
    * Computer based energy management system (EMCS).
    * Low flow toilet fixtures with automatic electronic valves
    * Construction Waste Management – plastics, wood, paper and metals recycle
    * Shuttle service
    * Low-E glazing
    * Water efficient landscaping
    * Heat reflective roofing material
    * Heat island effect elimination – parking below grade and plaza
    * Photo-Voltaic Cells for irrigation lighting
    * Operable windows at second and third levels for natural air circulation



Contact: Stephen Ulibarri, Public Information Officer (505) 986-6353/795-0828