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County Road 44 Tree Removal

County Road 44 Tree Removal

Santa Fe - January 24, 2011-Santa Fe County staff removed approximately two dozen Chinese Elm trees in a quarter mile stretch of County Road 44 during the week of January 17, 2011. The trees were located anywhere from 2 feet to 5 feet from the edge of the road. Santa Fe County removed the trees after staff received several safety concerns from motorists stating they had to drive in the middle of the road or in the opposite lane to avoid hitting tree limbs, in addition to sight distance concerns. Staff determined the trees of immediate concern to remove after they evaluated the road. Roads are required to have a shoulder for vehicles to pull off the road if in the case of an emergency, this is a highly traveled road and the need for a shoulder is of high concern.

Residents from the area have called Santa Fe County with concern about the tree removal. Staff is currently explaining to residents that Santa Fe County removed the trees to address traffic safety concerns. Only the trees that posed immediate concern have been removed. At this time, Santa Fe County does not foresee more tree removal on County Road 44.

Residents may see Santa Fe County crews on County Road 44 over the course of the next few days. However, crews are not removing any other trees. Crews will be cleaning up any limbs, tree stubs and debris left behind from the original removal.