News and Articles


County Seeks Public Participation in Planning Growth

The Santa Fe County Development Review Committee will hold a Special Meeting to begin the General Plan Update process on Thursday, December 4, 2008 at 5:00 PM at the Santa Fe County Commission Chambers located at 102 Grant Avenue.  Santa Fe County is requesting public participation to update the County Growth Management/ General Plan.  The revised General Plan will update previous planning documents, provide a long-range vision of the County, and define goals, policies, and strategies to achieve that vision.
Santa Fe County General Plan Update
The goals of the update include addressing growth and development patterns, housing, economic development, natural and cultural resource protection, transportation, public facilities and services, and other important issues.
The County has created four Growth Management Areas: El Norte, El Centro, Galisteo, and Estancia.  The County will hold Public Meetings in early 2009 in each Growth Management Area to address countywide issues and will hold community meetings to gain input for each Area.  For more information, call 986.6215.