News and Articles


December 10, 2013 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC), all five Commissioners were present.

  • The meeting minutes from the November 12, 2013BCC meeting were unanimously approved (5-0)

The Consent Calendar was approved by unanimous vote 5-0

Items on the Consent Calendar:

Final Orders

  • CDRC Case # MIS 13-5200 Oshara Village Master Plan Amendment (approved at previous meeting)
  • BCC Case MIS 13-5310 Oshara Village Master Plan Time Extension (approved at previous meeting)

Financial Actions

  • Resolution 2013-136, requesting an increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to budget a grant awarded to plan, design, construct, renovate, furnish and equip the La Cienega Community Center in Santa FeCounty/$142,500
  • Resolution 2013-137, requesting in increase to the State Special Appropriations Fun (318) to budget a grant awarded for improvements to the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds to include utility upgrades and construction of an extension building in Santa FeCounty/$450,500


  • Resignation of 3 members to the County Development Review Committee, one member from Commission District 2 and 2 at-large members
  • Appointment of alternate member to the Santa Fe County Valuation Protest Board


  • Resolution No. 2013-138, to authorize the CountyManagerto finalize and execute the purchase agreement and all required documents for acquisition of the Pojoaque ball fields property

(end of consent)

Action Items


  • Resolution No. 2013-139, to adopt the Tesuque Community Plan 2013 as an amendment to the Santa Fe County Sustainable Growth management Plan (second public hearing), approved by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2013-141, directing staff to submit an application for grant funds to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) construction of a segment of El Camino Real Tierra Adentro National Historic Trail (Buckman Road Segment), approved by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Resolution 2013-140, supporting legislation prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, approved by unanimous vote 5-0

Purchasing Items

  • Request approval to award Agreement No. 2014-0011-FI/IC to RBC Capital markets for Financial Advisor Services, approved by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Request approval to award six (6) contracts for No. 2014-0131-PW/PL on-call architectural and engineering services, each in the amount of $500,000 for a total of $3,000,000 exclusive of GRT and request signature authority for County Managerto execute the purchase orders, approved by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Request approval of a building lease agreement between Santa Fe County and Bokum Burro, Alley for office space located at 142 West Palace Avenue, Santa Fe , New Mexico in the amount of $255,868.50 annually, approved by unanimous vote 5-0


  • Annual renewal of the Public Liability Insurance Policy, approved 4-1 (Commissioner Holian voting against)
  • Expressing consent to town of Edgewoodannexation and authorizing Count manager to execute any documents necessary to the annexation, approved by unanimous vote 5-0

Presentations/Discussion Items

Matters from the CountyManager

  • County priorities for 2014 Legislative Session
  • Authorization for CountyManagerto implement changes to the Chauffer and Designated Driver Program (postponed presentation), approved by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Election of County Commissioner Chair 2014, Commissioner Mayfieldapproved by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Election of County Commissioner Vice Chair 2014, Commissioner Anayaapproved by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Appointments of Board members to the following committees: BDD, SFSWMA, ELUA, MPO, NCNMEDD, RPO, Regional Coalition of LANL Communities and NCRTD 

Matters from CountyAttorney

  • Commission directed staff to monitor Public Regulation Commission Case No. 13-00152-UT, in the matter of amending 17.9.572, Renewable Energy for Electric Utilities

Public Hearings

Growth Management

  • CDRC Case # V13-520 Rebecca Ornelas & Maria Zubia Variance – Rebecca Ornelas and Maria Zubia, applicants, request a variance of Ordinance No. 2007-2 (Village of Agua Fria Traditional Community Zoning District), 10.6 (density standards) to allow a second dwelling unit on 0.638 acres.  The property is located at 2144 Camino Polvoso, within the Traditional Community of Agua Fria, within Section 5, Township 16 North, Range 9 East.  Approved by unanimous vote 5-0

Tabled Land Use Cases

  • BCC Case # MIS 13-5061 Robert and Bernadette Anaya – Robert and Bernadette Anaya, applicants, Talia Kosh (The Bennet Firm), agent, request reconsideration of conditions imposed by the BCC for Master Plan Zoning approval.  The property is located at 2253 Ben Lane, within the Traditional Community of Agua Fria, within section 31, Township 17 North, Range 9 East
  • CDRC Case # V 13-5250 Thomas Wagner Variance – Thomas Wagner, applicant, requests a variance of Article 4, Section 4.2 of Ordinance No. 2008-10 (Flood Damage and Stormwater Management) to allow the construction of a residence on 40.01 acres.  The property is located at 67 Camino San Marcos, off Goldmine Road(CR 59B), within Sections 3, 4, 9 & 10, Township 13 North, Range 8 East


  • Ordinance No. 2013-6.  The Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC), approved by unanimous vote 5-0 

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days, once approved.