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December 11, 2012 BCC Summary

December 11, 2012 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – December 13,2012 - Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). There were four Commissioners present, Commissioner Mayfield participated by telephone.

The BCC approved the November 9 and 16, 2012 Canvassing Board Minutes and the November 13, 2012 BCC minutes.

Proclamations and Presentations

  • A Proclamation honoring Commissioner Virginia Vigil for her service on the Board of Santa Fe County Commissioners and to the residents of Santa Fe County was unanimously approved (Commissioner Virginia Vigil abstained from voting).
  • Recognition and appreciation of County Clerk, Valerie Espinoza.
  • Recognition and appreciation of County Surveyor, Jeffrey Ludwig.
  • Recognition and appreciation of County Treasurer, Victor Montoya.
  • Recognition of Senior Procurement Specialist, Maria B. Sanchez for her Completion of studies in Business Administration from New Mexico Highlands University.

The Consent Calendar was unanimously approved.

Administrative Services

  • Approval of contract 2013-0099-OS/PL with Longhorn Construction Services, Inc. for the Edgewood Open Space project in the amount of $656,929 exclusive of Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) was unanimously approved.

Human Resources

  • Resolution 2012-164, a Resolution requesting approval of the Human Resources Handbook was unanimously approved.

Public Works Department

  • An amendment to the building lease agreement between Santa Fe County and Burro Alley, LLC for Office space located at 142 West Palace Ave. to extend the term for an additional 12 months and to include janitorial services in the amount of $252, 321 was unanimously approved.

Growth Management

  • The BCC unanimously approved an amended and restated Affordable Housing Agreement for La Entrada Phase 1 between Santa Fe County and Univest-Rancho Viejo LLC.
  • The BCC unanimously approved an amended and restated Affordable Housing Agreement for La Pradera between Santa Fe County and Gardner Associates LLC and La Pradera Associates LLC.

Matters from the Commission

  • Commissioner Kathy Holian will be Chair for 2013 and Commissioner Daniel Mayfield will be Vice Chair for 2013.


  • Resolution 2012-166, a Resolution supporting the City of Santa Fe's plan to adopt an airport road overlay district that incorporates Health Food Zones was unanimously.
  • Resolution 2012-167, a Resolution supporting the La Bajada Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association (MDMCA) and items to the water trust board for funding from the New Mexico Finance Authority was unanimously approved.
  • Resolution 2012-165, a Resolution authorizing the Santa Fe County Manager to provide funding for the purchase of secured furnishings and fixtures for the new First Judicial District Court Building was approved with amendments to the language and amount. The amount approved was two hundred and seventy five thousand dollars ($275,000). The Resolution was approved 3-2 ( Commissioner Holian and Commissioner Vigil voted against after proposing an amendment to fund the full amount requested by the Courts).
  • The BCC unanimously approved the settlement agreement and general release of claims by and between Joseph Miller and the Board of County Commissioners.
  • The BCC unanimously approved the approval of the general release of claims by and between David Mitchel as next friend and personal representative of the estate of Mitchell and the Board of County Commissioners and Dennis O'Brien.
  • The BCC also approved Resolution 2012-168, requesting a budget increase to the General Fund to budget cash to fund the settlement agreement in the case of O'Brien and Santa Fe County vs. Mitchel in the amount of $100,000.

Public Hearings

  • BCC Case # Mis 12-5380 Concierto At Las Campanas Time Extension was unanimously approved.
  • BCC Case # Mis 10-5550 Tessera Master Plan Time Extension was approved 2-1 (Commissioner Virginia Vigil voting against)
  • CDRC Case # V 12-5290 William Keller Variance was unanimously approved
  • CDRC Case # V 12-5120 John & Virginia Kraul Variance - tied, will be on the January 8, 2013 agenda for vote only.