News and Articles


December 13 BCC Meeting Summary

December 13 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – December 14, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC), four of the five Commissioners were present, Commissioner Danny Mayfield was excused.

The BCC approved the minutes from the October 25, 2011 and November 8, 2011 meetings.

The Consent Calendar was unanimously approved.

Special Presentations

  • Interim Fire Chief David Sperling gave a retirement presentation for Fire Lieutenant Steve Vogel, for 20 years and 8 months of dedicated service to Santa Fe County.
  • Deputy County Manager Penny Ellis-Green gave a retirement presentation for Jack Kolkmeyer, Growth Management Department Director for 15 years and 9 months of dedicated service to Santa Fe County.
  • Dennis Patty was presented with the award for Employee of the Quarter ( Third Quarter 2011).
  •  A certificate of Acknowledgement was presented to Gannet Fleming West for receiving the ENG Regional Award of Merit for the South Meadows Roadway, Bridge and Utilities construction project.
  • The Employee Benefits Committee were presented with Certificates of Appreciation.

Matters from the Commission (resolutions listed passed unanimously)

  • A resolution to support and encourage buying local and being creative with purchases.
  • A resolution supporting a Farm Bill as a means to secure a regional food system that is just and accessible to all member of the County.
  • A resolution to endorse the campaign to end wage theft in the County. A resolution requesting that the City of Santa Fe release additional effluent into the Santa Fe River to support the historical agricultural needs of the villages of La Cieneguilla and La Bajada.
  • A special proclamation in Memoriam of Gerald Gonzalez was unanimously approved.
  • Commissioner Liz Stefanics was elected Commission Chair for 2012.
  • Commissioner Kathy Holian was elected Commission Vice Chair for 2012.

Finance Department

  • A resolution increasing the State Special Appropriations to budget available cash for improvements to the Cundiyo Community Center in the amount of $106,243 was unanimously approved

Growth Management

  • The first four draft chapters of the Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC) were released to the BCC and public. To view the chapters or make comments you can visit
  • Ordinance 2011-11 was approved suspending on a case-by-case basis provisions of article V of the Land Development Code, Concerning expiration of Master Plans, Preliminary Plats, and Final Plats upon a finding of economic necessity.
  • A resolution was approved finding the existence of severe economic conditions and suspending enforcement of specified provisions of Article V of the Land Development Code that concern expirations of Master Plans, Preliminary Plats, and Final Plats pursuant to Ordinance 2011-11.
  • A Joint Powers Agreement and Memorandum of Agreement were unanimously approved that furthers the REDI Middle-Mile Broadband Network.

Human Resources

  • The Commission unanimously approved an amendment to the collective bargaining agreement between the County and AFSCME Council 18, Local 1782.

Public Works

  • A purchase agreement of 0.483 acres on the Santa Fe River for the purpose of creating a public greenway and trail was unanimously approved.
  • The Commission approved lease agreements with Burro Alley, LLC for office space located at 142 West Palace Ave. for an additional 12 months and a lease agreement with Presbyterian Medical Services for a County owned building, parking lot and playground in Chimayo for a headstart program.

County Clerk

  • An ordinance establishing reasonable fees for data and documents provided by the County Clerk was unanimously approved.

Matters from County Manager

  • There was unanimous Board support of the Greater Glorieta Community Regional Mutual Domestic Water Consumers and Sewage Works Association as the project for submittal under the 2012 CDBG application.
  • The Commission noted the legislative items of concern.

Growth Management:

  • Arroyo Vino Liquor License - was unanimously approved.
  • The Galisteo Community Plan was presented with an emphasis on maintaining the rural character, protecting traditional land uses and water supply.
  • Trenza Time Extension – Commonweal Conservancy; received a 36-month extension on the preliminary plat and development plan for phase 1 of the Trenza Development.
  • Cuatro Villas Mutual Domestic Water Users Association was granted a variance for the height of a water storage tank.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once approved at