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Draft Interim Development Ordinance

Draft Interim Development Ordinance 

An emergency interim development ordinance prohibiting the granting of discretionary legislative and quasi-judicial development approvals for zoning, subdivision, family transfers, land division, parcel maps, nonconforming uses, variances, special and conditional use permits within the boundaries delineated in exhibit 1 attached to this ordinance, excepting development approvals for affordable housing and oil and gas projects pursuant to Ordinance 2008-19, for a six month period commencing upon the date of recordation of this ordinance, providing further for an extension of six months if required in the legislative discretion of the Board of County Commissioners, until the adoption of a Sustainable Growth Management Plan and other adoption of a comprehensive revision of the land development code and other related ordinance, administrative regulations and action programs, implementing the amendments to the general plan, and suspending certain provisions of Ordinance no 2006-02

Draft Ordinance
