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Environment Department Seeks Public Comment on Water Quality Standards for the Galisteo Watershed

Environment Department Seeks Public Comment on Water Quality Standards for the Galisteo Watershed

The Department is requesting public input on a proposal to amend the surface water quality standards for the Galisteo watershed.

Perennial reaches of streams in the Galisteo watershed are currently assigned the high quality coldwater aquatic life use. The Department has evidence that this may not be the appropriate use for all perennial reaches in the watershed, and has developed a draft Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) to determine the most protective aquatic life uses that can be attained in the watershed. The draft UAA indicates that, due to natural conditions, water temperatures support coolwater aquatic life in the middle and lower watershed, including San Cristobal Arroyo and most of Galisteo Creek; and high quality coldwater aquatic life in the upper watershed, including Apache Canyon and Deer Creek. The Department will propose changes to the water quality standards based on the findings of the UAA.

The Department will hold a public meeting to discuss the draft UAA and the proposed amendments on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at 5:30 pm at the Hondo Fire Station 2, 635 Old Vegas Highway, located south of the intersection of NM Hwy 285 and Old Las Vegas Highway, near Eldorado. A 31-day public comment period opens on Wednesday, July 25 and closes at 5 p.m. on Friday, August 24, 2012.

The draft UAA and proposed amendments are available on the Environment Department’s website at Comments may be submitted at the public meeting or directed to Deborah Sarabia at the New Mexico Environment Department, Surface Water Quality Bureau, P.O. Box 5469, Santa Fe, NM 87502. She may also be reached by telephone at (505) 827-0417 or email at

The Department previously held a public meeting on October 7, 2010 and solicited public comment prior to drafting the UAA.