News and Articles


February 15, 2010 BCC Special Meeting Summary

February 15, 2010 BCC Special Meeting Summary


Santa Fe – February 16, 2010 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:


Finance Issues: By unanimous [5-0] voice vote the Commission reconsidered the 2/9/10 County’s match contribution to the Sole Community Providers (SCP): CHRISTUS St. Vincent, Española, and Los Alamos Medical Center.


FY 2011 Sole Community Provider Matching Funds: The following action was approved by unanimous [5-0] voice vote:

The County will provide: $133,540 to Española Hospital and $12,712 to Los Alamos Hospital.

CHRISTUS St. Vincent will receive $6.65 million; continue its current programs/responsibilities and assuming County contracts for inmate medical care and pharmaceuticals; RECC medical advisor; Fire Department medical advisor; Sobering/Assessment facility; and paratransit.


Additional stipulations:

- Certification by NM HSD affirming it is legal to transfer the programs to the hospital

- The hospital agrees that: all Santa Fe County funds and matching federal funds remain in the community for services to New Mexicans and the funds do not leave the state; all programs transferred to the hospital be continued throughout negotiations; and, a written plan be developed between the County and hospital for employment placement of related program personnel

- Transparency efforts by the hospital will include: a tag line on all public advertising identifying the significant financial contribution from the taxpayers of Santa Fe County; specific service reports on the use of the SCP funds; and Santa Fe County designate a representative to attend CHRISTUS St. Vincent Board meetings.

- A rental agreement be developed for the hospital’s use of the County-owned Sobering/Assessment facility.


All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at