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February 23, 2016 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present.

BCC meeting minutes from the January 26, 2016 were approved by unanimous vote 5-0.

Consent Calendar - All Consent Agenda items passed by unanimous vote 5-0

Final Orders

  •          CDRC Case No. S 15-5041 La Entrada Master Plan, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Development Plan Amendment.  Univest-Rancho Viejo, Applicant, James W. Siebert and Associates, Inc., Agent, Requested an Amendment of the Master Plan, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Development Plan for La Entrada Phase 1 to Sub-Phase the Previously Approved La Entrada Phase 1 Residential Subdivision into Four (4) Sub-Phases. Sub Phase 1 will Consist of the 500 Series Lots (58-Lots), Sub-Phase 2 will Consist of the 600 Series Lots (24-Lots), Sub-Phase 3 will Consist of the 700 Series Lots (35-Lots), and Sub-Phase 4 will Consist of the 800 Series Lots (49-Lots) for a Total of 166 Lots. (The Request was Approved 5-0)
  •          CDRC CASE # MP/DP 13-5000 Amma Center. Amma Center of New Mexico, Applicant, Liaison Planning Services Inc., Agent, Requested Master Plan and Preliminary and Final Development Plan Approval to Allow Existing Structures to be Utilized as a Religious Institution on a 40 + Acre Site. (The Request was Approved 5-0)
  •          BCC CASE # APP 13-5062 Robert and Bernadette Anaya Appeal.  Robert and Bernadette Anaya, Applicants, Karl H. Sommer (Sommer, Karnes & Associates, LLP), Agent, Appealed the County Development Review Committee’s Decision to Reject a Submittal for Master Plan and Preliminary and Final Development Plan as it Was Deemed Untimely. (The Appeal was Denied 5-0)


  •          Resolution No. 2016-19, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget Grant Funds from the US Marshal’s Office/$10,000.


  •          Approved of County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $39,533.04. 
  •          Ratified a Letter Supporting City of Albuquerque’s Application to U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board for Alternative Site Framework Foreign Trade Zone.
End of Consent Agenda

Action Items – All Action Items approved by unanimous vote 5-0 (with the exception of “Tabled” items or noted in bold)


  •          TABLED- Appointment/Re-Appointment of Two Santa Fe County Ethics Board Members. 
  •          David Griscom was Appointed Santa Fe County Representative to the Regional Economic Development Initiative Broadband Network Board (REDI Net Board). 
  •          Nancy Long was appointed as Interim Hearing Officer Under Section 3.5.3. of the Sustainable Land Development Code Until June 1, 2016.


  •          Resolution No. 2016-20, Authorized the County to Submit Application to the NM Department of Finance and Administration to Request DWI Grant Funds and Delegated the County Manager the Authority to Execute and Submit such Applications and Execute all Required Documents and Agreements.
  •          Resolution No. 2016-21, Established A Community Organization for the Tesuque Valley Planning Area. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-22, Established A Community Organization for the Galisteo Planning Area. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-23, A Budget Increase to the Alcohol Programs Fund (241) to Budget a Grant Awarded to the DWI Program/$135,493.00. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-24, A Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to Budget New Funding for Multiple Grants for the County Fire Departments/$741,929. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-25, Supports the Institute of American Indian Arts’ Proposal for the 2016 US Economic Development Administration Public Works Grants Program for a Multi-Use Performance Center.
  •          Resolution No. 2016-26, Identifies an Area to be Referred to as the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed, Recognizing the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed as Being in Need of Application of Fire Risk Reduction Techniques, and Directing Fire Department Staff to Identify Potential Funding Sources Necessary to Pursue Fire Risk Reduction Projects in the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed. 
  •          Resolution 2016-27, Amends the Santa Fe County Road Map and Certifies a Report of the Public Roads Maintained by Santa Fe County. Approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for the vote).
  •          Resolution No. 2016-28, A Budget Increase to the General Fund (101), Lodger’s Tax Facility Fund (214), Lodger’s Tax Advertising Fund (215), Indigent Hospital Fund (220), Fire Tax ¼% Fund (222), Fire Operations Fund (244), Emergency Communications Operations Fund (245), Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246), Corrections Operations Fund (247),  and NMFA Debt Service Fund (414), and a Budget Decrease to the Road Fund (204) and Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) as a Result of Needs Brought Forward at Mid-Year Budget Hearings / $1,149,569. 


  •          Approved Amendment No. 2. For Agreement No. 2014-0237-HHS/PL with FIRESTIK Studio to Extend Term and Increase Compensation by an Amount of $130,000, Inclusive of GRT, for a Total Contract Amount of $410,000.00 for Design and Implementation of the DWI Public Awareness Campaign and Authorized for the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order. 
  •          Approved a Restated and Amended Agreement between Santa Fe County and the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority for Storage Space in Abiquiu Reservoir. 
  •          Approved Amendment No. 2 to Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Santa Fe and County of Santa Fe Governing the Buckman Direct Diversion Project. 


  •          TABLED- Request Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of an Ordinance Establishing the Solid Waste Collection District; Requiring Commercial Solid Waste Haulers Operating within Collection District to Provide Bundled Refuse and Recycling Collection Services and to Deliver Collected Materials to Identified Disposal Sites; Establishing Licensing and Reporting Requirements for Commercial Solid Waste Haulers; Granting Enforcement Authority to the Director of Public Works; and Amending Ordinance No. 1992-3.

Matters From The County Manager

  •          Miscellaneous Updates
  •          Legislative Session

Treasurer’s Office/County Board of Finance Meeting

The Board of County Commissioners Temporarily Adjourned and Reconvened as the Santa Fe County Board of Finance.

  1.       Call to Order
  2.       Roll Call
  3.       Discussion and Overview of Proposed Changes to the Santa Fe County Investment Policy.
  4.      Adjourn


  •          Presentation and Update on the Arts, Culture and Cultural Tourism (ACCT) Committee Activities.
  •          Presentation on the Santa Fe County Lodger’s Tax Advertising and Marketing Program.
  •          Presentation on and Recognition for the PROTEC (Professional Readiness and Technical Experience for Careers) Pilot Project, a Workforce Training Collaboration Between Santa Fe County, Northern Area Labor Workforce Development Board, and Santa Fe Community College. 
  •          WITHDRAWN- Presentation and Possible Direction Concerning the Creation of Consolidated Precincts and Voting Convenience Centers for the 2016 Primary and General Elections. 

Matters from the County Attorney

Executive Session

  1.       Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:
  2.       Litigation Involving Santa Fe Film and Media Studios, Inc. and La Luz Holdings, LLC.
  3.       Right of Ways for County Roads.
  4.        Litigation Concerning Buckman Direct Diversion Structure Issues.
  5.       Santa Fe 330 Investments, LLC v. County of Santa Fe, and the Board of County Commissioners,State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, No. D-101-CV-2016-00008.
  6.       Trujillo and Peperas v. Board of County Commissioners for the County of Santa Fe,State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, No. D-101-CV-2014-01054.
  7.         Board of County Commissioners of the County of Santa Fe v. Suerte Del Sur, LLC, and Suerte Development, Inc., State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, No. D-101-CV-2015-01485.
  8.       Farrington v.NMDOT, et al., State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, D-101-CV-2015-01678.
  9.       State of New Mexico, ex rel. State Engineer, et al. v. R. Lee Aamodt, et al.,No. 66 CV 6639 MV/LCS, U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico. 
  10.         AFSCME Council 18 v. Santa Fe County, PELRB No. 121-15.
  11.       Discussion of Competitive Sealed Proposals Solicited Pursuant to the Procurement Code, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(6) NMSA 1978.
  12.       Proposal Submitted in Response to RFP # 2015-0333-GM/PL, Professional Services for the Development of Infrastructure "Build-Out" Study.
  13.       Proposal Submitted in Response to RFP # 2016-0156-CM/BT, Consulting and Marketing Services for County Rebranding.

End of Closed Session

Action taken by the Board as a result of Closed Executive Session.

  •          Resolution No. 2016-29, Delegates the County Manager the Authority to Determine Whether Santa Fe Film and Media Studios, Inc. Has Satisfied Its Economic Development Goals and the Authority to Execute on Behalf of the County a Full or Partial Release of the LEDA Parcel as Security for Santa Fe Film and Media Studios, Inc.’s and La Luz Holdings, LLC’s Obligations Under the LEDA Performance and Right of Repurchase Agreement.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.

Information Items

  •          Growth Management Monthly Report
  •          Public Safety Monthly Report
  •          Public Works Monthly Report
  •          Human Resources Monthly Report
  •          Administrative Services Monthly Report
  •          Community Services Monthly Report
  •          Financial Report for the Quarter Ending January 31, 2016