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February 8, 2011 - BCC Meeting Summary

February 8, 2011 - BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – February 10, 2011 – All five commissioners were present and below is a summary of the actions and matters that came before the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners: 

The minutes of the January 4 and January 11 Board of County Commissioner meetings were unanimously approved as submitted.

Special Presentations:
Dr. Michael Gzaskow was recognized for his dedication and service to the Corrections Department. Corrections Director Annabelle Romero cited his vast experience and valuable leadership in developing the psychiatric unit at the jail. Judge Michael Vigil spoke of the contribution to the community Dr. Michael Gzaskow has made.

The staff of the County Youth Detention Facility was recognized for the successful completion of four separate, comprehensive audits leading to continued accreditation.

Under the Consent Calendar:
Final orders for the following land use cases approved by the BCC:
• CDRC Case #V 10-5410, Archie Perea Variance
• CDRC Case #MP/PDP/DP 10-5330, Holy Family Praying Heart Portal
• CDRC Case #MP/PDP 10-5170, Santa Fe Southwest SDA
• CDRC Case #MP 10-5351, Rio Santa Fe Business Park
• CDRC Case #MP/PDP/DP 10-5770, Santa Fe Brewing Company

The BCC approved an amendment to a professional services agreement with the Montgomery & Andrews, PA for legal services, principally in the area of condemnation.

The following assignments for boards and committees were agreed upon:
• County Development Review Committee (CDRC)
Sef Valdez, District 1
Maria DeAnda, District 2
Filandro Anaya, District 3
Frank Katz, District 4
Ivan Pato, District 5
Susan Fry Martin, At Large
JJ Gonzales, At Large

• Extraterritorial Land Use Committee (ELUC) – The five district members of the CDRC, with the at-large members to serve as alternates
Sef Valdez
Maria DeAnda
Filandro Anaya
Frank Katz
Ivan Pato
Susan Fry Martin
JJ Gonzales

• The Board of Registration is the body in charge of maintenance of the voting rolls. Jennifer Garcia and Maria D. Salazar from the Democratic Party, and Christine Williams, from the Republican Party were appointed. Alternates will be Asenath Kepler, Republican and William Mee, Democrat.

Other Actions:
The Commission approved $145,065 in sole community provider funds for Española Hospital, and $16,242 for Los Alamos Medical Center, as requested by those institutions. A meeting will be held on February 15 to establish the match for CHRISTUS St. Vincent from Santa Fe County in the case the applied-for extension is not granted.

The BCC unanimously approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate and share information related to safe drinking water in the northern part of the county.

A lease agreement was approved [4-1] with Commissioner Daniel Mayfield voting against for administrative office space in the Bokum Building for one year, with options to renew for the following two years. This location was recommended after surveying a number of other buildings in the downtown area.

From the County Manager:
Katherine Miller outlined efforts the County made during the cold weather and gas shut-offs to help residents. She noted status updates for several County facilities:

Ms. Miller discussed staffing the satellite offices and said part-time employees are being sought pending other budget decisions.

Legislative Updates:
Rudy Garcia from Community Services reminded the Commission of action they have previously taken on issues such as preference for New Mexico produce, support for film tax credits, affordable housing, immigrant driver’s licenses, and changes to the Per Diem and Mileage Act on which there was Commission consensus to push for flexibility for local governments. The Commission also gave conceptual support to a 911 surcharge, franchise fees, maintaining the county share of the liquor excise tax, and energy conservation bonds. Fire Chief Stan Holden voiced support for maintaining local control in imposing fire sprinkler regulations.

Growth Management
MP/PDP/DP 10-5520: Creative Daycare, LLC - approved [5-0]
MP/PDP/DP 10-5470: Santa Maria El Mirador – approved [5-0]
Z/DP 09-3132: PNM Caja del Rio Substation – approved [5-0]

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at . To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Approved and recorded transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at