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February 9 BCC Meeting Summary

February 9 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – February 10, 2010– Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:


Community Funds: By unanimous voice vote the Commission approved the following expenditures:

· $1,500 - DWI Youth Conference

· $ 500 - Student Bus Transportation – Santa Fe Botanical Gardens/Leonora Curtin Wetlands

· $2,500 - Madrid/Cerrillos area – portable toilets

· $5,000 - Madrid Ball Park renovations


Final orders/findings of fact:

· Zia RV Sales Master Plan

· Galisteo Village


Special Recognition:

Petroglyph Hill - Beth Mills, Open Space Planner, recognized the services of the tour docents and site stewards of Petroglyph Hill on the Thornton Ranch property. Due to their efforts around 150 people were able to visit the site, and it is their vigilance that its protection is ensured.


Shirley Hooper-Garcia - County Clerk Valerie Espinoza reviewed the many accomplishment of Shirley Hooper-Garcia, past Secretary of State and she recognized her service and dedication to the Clerk’s Office in her capacity as Deputy Clerk.


Also approved:

A resolution to reimburse the County for an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 for the Cuatro Villas/Greater Chimayo interconnection project, from tax-exempt bonds, to be issued in the next 18 months
An MOU between the County and various law enforcement agencies to identify opportunities for a future shooting range facility
A contract for $2,353,900 with Rio Vista Construction to build the Western Region Headquarters/Rancho Viejo Fire Station
A resolution proclaiming February 13th as “Love Your River Day” to recognize the vital role the river has in the community and to raise awareness of its importance

Discussion Items:

NCRTD activities – a new building facility is on track and pending sufficient funding bus service may be extended to 599 and Route 14


Budget - Finance Director Teresa Martinez announced property taxes are coming in at budget, although evaluations are only up 1.3 percent – much less that usual – so there is a need to budget conservatively. GRT revenues have been below budget the past two months and this trend could continue, necessitating further lowering of projections.

· Expenditures have been reduced by $3.4 million - thus far no positions have been cut

· An additional $1.4 million in cuts is proposed for this year.

· Pending decisions made in the legislature hiring freezes may be enacted with the exception of the public safety sector.

Ms. Martinez provided budget policy priorities and implementation strategies for the Commission’s review.


Discussion & Action:

Sole Community Provider Matching Funds - Staff presented two alternative scenarios for SCP matching funds, one in which the County contributes the minimum $5.1 million. This would necessitate reductions in or elimination of a number of County non-core services. Alternative two, the County would contribute the $8.4 million requested by the hospital, with some services, particularly those contracted out, transitioning to the hospital with the County providing oversight.


The Commission will hold a special meeting will be held February 15 at 2:00pm to discuss the Sole Community Provider Matching Funds and take input from those most affected and at that point changes could be made.


Buckman Direct Diversion - Bond issue, divided into two series, not to exceed $40 million from capital outlay GRT for construction of the Buckman Direct Diversion. The sale of the bonds will occur March 9 when the terms and a purchase agreement will be discussed with bond counsel.


Public Hearings
· Caja de Rio Landfill Variance – approved

· Real Nation Liquor License – approved

· Saddleback Ranch – tabled

· Cimarron Village Master Plan Amendment – approved

· Sandstone Pines Estates – tabled

· The Village at Galisteo Basin Preserve Preliminary Plat/Development Plan – approved


All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at