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Fireworks, Open Fires Banned In Santa Fe County

Burning of any kind, including open fires and the use and sale of fireworks, are being prohibited in Santa Fe County.  The ban is being caused by the immediate and present danger of range fires, brush fires, grass fires, forest fires and structure fires existing within Santa Fe County due to persistent drought and lack of moisture and forecasted low relative humidity, dry weather, and wind.  These conditions make the probability of ignition of materials and the spread of fire very high and pose a severe threat to persons and property.
The recent wildfire in the Manzano Mountains just south of Santa Fe County has burned thousands of acres and many structures and homes and in recent weeks, the Santa Fe County Fire Department has responded to numerous brush, grass, range and forest fires and some of the fires have threatened structures and homes.
Santa Fe County joins other government entities, including Bernalillo County, the City of Santa Fe, and New Mexico Forestry Division in implementing restrictions on the sale and use of fireworks within their respective jurisdictions in an effort to prevent accidental fires.
The following is a list of banned activities over the next 30 days:

a.                  Campfires
b.                  Open fires of any kind
c.                  Open burning of vegetation or rubbish
d.                  Smoking within a County park, campground or any wild land area except within an enclosed vehicle or building
e.                  Littering on public roadways/areas with ignited smoking materials
f.                    Use of off-road vehicles and motor bikes within county parks, campground and wild land areas
g.                  The issuance of licenses or permits for open burning
h.                  Sale and use of aerial fireworks to include aerial shell kit-reloadable tubes, aerial spinners, helicopters, mines, missile-type rockets, multiple tube devices, roman candles, shells, stick-type rockets
i.                     Sale and use of ground audible devices to include chasers and firecrackers.

The Santa Fe County Fire Marshal and the Santa Fe County Sheriff will be enforcing the ban.  Public displays of fireworks will be permitted.