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Free Water Testing June 23-25; County Residents Urged To Test Private Water Wells

Recent detections of contaminants in a number of private water wells have led the Santa Fe County, the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), the City of Santa Fe, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and the Good Water Company to jointly test private domestic water wells June 23 through 25 at no charge to residents or owners. Residents wishing to have their water tested should contact Jessica Tapia by e-mail or telephone at jessica.tapia@state.nm.usor (505) 476-8602. Residents not at home on the days of the testing may authorize the collection of a water sample from an outside faucet and the determination of wellhead coordinates with a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit.

Arsenic, nitrate, radium, uranium, and water-softener-salt contamination has been detected in some private domestic water wells in the Santa Fe region. Recent testing has revealed areas of natural arsenic and uranium contamination that were previously unknown, as well as nitrate and radium concentrations higher than had been detected in the past. The nitrate contamination has the chemical fingerprint of septic tank effluent. Areas of fractured bedrock in the mountain foothills are particularly vulnerable to pollution from septic tanks, specifically nitrate and water softener salt. Although the contamination seems to be limited to discrete areas and most well water in the region is of good quality, the residents and owners of all households served by a private domestic well are advised to get their water tested.

The joint water-testing effort will enhance the ability of each collaborating organization to assess and map groundwater quality in the region. The testing area includes all of the City of Santa Fe, north to Tesuque, east to Canoncito and Glorieta, south to Lamy, Eldorado, and La Cienega, and west to the Rio Grande. Tests will include field and laboratory analyses for approximately 50 chemical parameters, including nitrate, fluoride, heavy metals including uranium, and organic vapor such as from gasoline and degreasing solvent.

The testing is free, and participation is voluntary. NMED water quality experts will provide residents with test results and will be available to answer any questions. NMED also will be the gatekeeper of the test data and will not release personal information including the names, addresses, and phone numbers of well owners to the general public.

Water supplied by public drinking water systems will not be tested as those supplies are routinely analyzed pursuant to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. If you are supplied by a public system, you should receive each year a Consumer Confidence Report from the system operator that summarizes test results. For additional information on public drinking water systems visit www.safewater.state.nm.usto review NMED’s online database of public drinking water systems.

For additional information, contact Karen Torres, Santa Fe County Hydrologist, at (505) 992-9871, Dennis McQuillan, NMED, Environmental Health Manager, at (505) 476-8607, Robert Gallegos, City of Santa Fe, Environmental Protection Specialist, at (505) 955-4232, or Patrick Longmire, LANL, Geochemist, at (505) 665-1264. For media inquiries, contact Marissa Stone, NMED Communications Director, at (505) 827-0314.