News and Articles


From the Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor - Data Collection Project has Started in The Edgewood Area

From the Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor - Data Collection Project has Started in The Edgewood Area

County Assessor, Domingo P. Martinez, CGFM, NMCA

Chief Deputy Assessor, Gary Pérez, NMCA

Santa Fe, NM – January 23, 2013 - The Santa Fe County Assessor would like to notify residents that the Assessor’s Data Collection Project is now underway in Edgewood and surrounding areas. The project will run for several months and is being conducted in two phases. The purpose of the entire Data Collection Project is simply to verify existing data, correct erroneous data and generate missing data to ensure all information used in appraising property for tax purposes is fair and accurate. Tyler Technologies Inc. is working with the Assessor’s Office on this project. Local individuals have been hired by Tyler to complete the project within a year’s time.

Residents may notice Assessor’s Office staff or Tyler Technologies staff in their neighborhood collecting information and taking photographs of homes from the street only. This is necessary to update information such as the condition, depreciation and style of homes. It is important to clarify the photos are taken only from the street and reflect the same view that any individual could see by driving or walking by a residence.

Residents should be aware that anyone working on the data collection project will be working in a white van labeled “Tyler Technologies Inc., Verification Project for Santa Fe County Assessor’s Office” and will have proper identification. There are three individuals working inside the van.

Phase II of the project will begin at a later date in the Espanola and surrounding areas. Property owners will receive a letter in the mail one to two weeks prior to the Tyler staff commencing work in the area. During this phase of the project, Tyler employees will be going door to door gathering more information about residential dwellings, other outbuildings, and taking exterior measurements if necessary. Tyler staff has been instructed to knock on all doors, provide identification, and seek permission from property owners prior to any exterior review of the property. All reviews are exterior only. Tyler staff does not need to enter any homes nor should they be asking to enter. All Tyler employees are wearing an identification badge and an orange vest with the words “Santa Fe County Assessor’s Office” printed in large letters on the back.

County Assessor Domingo Martinez is urging all residents to cooperate with the project staff for exterior access to their property.

“I am hopeful property owners understand the importance of this project. It is imperative that our records are correct. My goal with this project is to ensure fair and equitable assessments for all taxpayers,” said Assessor Martinez. He continued, “When everyone cooperates, the result will be less taxpayer dollars being spent to complete the project.”

The Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office has also been informed of the project. Updated maps referencing the location and the status of the project are sent to the Sheriff’s office on a weekly basis, and updated weekly on the Assessor’s website as well.

More information on the project, including maps and photos of the Tyler field staff can be found on the Assessor’s website at:

For more information contact Gary Perez, Chief Deputy Assessor at (505) 986-6332.