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Grand Opening Celebration - Pojoaque Valley Recreation Complex on 9/27

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Santa Fe County Invites you to the Grand Opening Celebration of the

Pojoaque Valley Recreation Complex, 62 County Road 84, Santa Fe NM 87506

Sunday, September 27, 2015 at 12 p.m.


Santa Fe County District 1 Commissioner, Henry P. Roybal would like to invite residents to the grand opening of the Pojoaque Valley Recreation Complex on Sunday, September 27, 2015 at noon.  The complex is located at 62 County Road 84, Santa Fe, NM. 

“We have a commitment and an obligation to provide these types of facilities for our children and our community. The children are our greatest investment; they are the future of this community,” stated Commissioner Roybal.

He continued, “I am honored to serve as County Commissioner for District 1 and will vigorously pursue additional projects and programs that will help improve and support the wellbeing of the constituents in District 1.”

The Recreation Complex has multi-purpose artificial turf sports fields, concession/restroom improvements, and a parking lot.  The total for phase 1 of the project is $1.8M, with approximately $750K for artificial turf, $335K in acquisition and the remaining in design and construction fees. 

 Santa Fe County paid for $1.5M from Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) and the State provided the additional $300K. 

For additional information regarding the Grand Opening contact Orlando Romero at 505-986-6328 or