News and Articles
High Tech Assessor: Property Info Easier to Access
Santa Fe – June 26, 2007 – The Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor is announcing that property owners, appraisers, real estate agents, title companies and the public at large can now access public property information electronically not only through UPC codes and ID numbers but now also by address.
“We’ve upgraded our technology” said Santa Fe County Assessor Domingo Martinez “This change will allow access to our public files and will assist businesses that need access to this information to serve their clients in a more efficient manner.”
The Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor has implemented many changes, enacted new procedures, and utilized in new technology in an attempt to serve County property owners in a more efficient and professional manner. The concerted efforts and collaboration of staff and other County departments are focused on bringing more positive change in the future with new automation, professional service, accountability and transparency.
The Office of the County Assessor can now concentrate their efforts on the more pressing and important duties of listing and appraising properties in a more effective manner to better serve the property owners of Santa Fe County. Property information can be accessed at: If there are questions, residents can call 986-6300.
Contact: Stephen Ulibarri, Public Information Officer (505) 986-6353/795-0828