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January 11, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

January 11, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – January 14, 2011 – All five commissioners were present and below is a summary of the actions and matters that came before the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:

Matters from the Commission:

Commissioner Stefanics announced the following: There was not an NCRTD meeting this month. She also noted errors found on the Growth Management maps will be compiled and corrected.

Commissioner Anaya said he looked forward to working with staff, the other Commissioners and the public. He asked for information on capital projects – which have had to revert funds or that are in jeopardy. Community Services Director Joseph Gutierrez, Public Works Director Robert Martinez, and Utilities Director Patricio Guerrerortiz provided information.

Commissioner Holian welcomed the new Commissioners and gave a recap and update on the renewable energy financing program and outlined potential options for future implementation.

Commissioner Mayfield assured staff and the public he would be always be accessible. He asked staff to look into implementing something along the lines of the State’s Sunshine Portal by posting County contracts online. Commissioner Mayfield requested a listing of all County owned and leased properties.

Commission Chair Vigil advised the new Commissioners to establish standing meetings with the County Manager. She spoke of the groundbreaking of the new Esperanza Shelter as being an exciting time for the County.

The Valuation Protest Board appointed Roger Carson and alternates Honorio Andres and Michael Hurlocker.

The following commissioner assignments for boards and committees were agreed upon:
• Regional Planning Authority – Commissioners Mayfield, Vigil, Anaya, and Holian; Commissioner Stefanics is the alternate
• Buckman Direct Diversion – Commissioners Vigil and Stefanics; Mayfield is the alternate
• Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Authority – Commissioners Mayfield, Vigil and Holian; Commissioner Anaya is the alternate
• Extraterritorial Land Use Authority – Commissioners Stefanics, Holian, Anaya and Mayfield; Chair Vigil is the alternate
• Metropolitan Planning Organization – Commissioners Anaya, Stefanics and Vigil; Commissioner Holian is the alternate
• North Central New Mexico Economic Development District- Commissioner Mayfield; Commissioner Stefanics is the alternate
• Regional Coalition/LANL Communities – Commissioner Holian, with Commissioner Mayfield as alternate
• North Central Regional Transit District – Commissioner Anaya, with Deputy County Manager as alternate
• County Indigent Hospital and Healthcare Board ( Healthcare Assistance Program Board) – all five Commissioners
• Housing Authority Board– all five Commissioners
• Board of Finance – all five Commissioners
• Investment Committee – Chair Vigil

Under the Consent Calendar:
• Findings of fact in CDRC Case #S 04-5421, Vallecita de Gracia, were approved [Commissioners Anaya and Mayfield abstained].
• The County Manager was granted authority to purchase the trailhead easement for the Rail Trail located at Nine-Mile Road.
• A contract of $822,256 was awarded to make improvements on Highway 14 near the Media Park [Commissioner Mayfield abstained and asked for more information].
• A grant agreement was unanimously approved, allocating $1,551,763 for RECC equipment and maintenance. The money comes from a surcharge on telephone land lines.
• A resolution reorganizing the Health Policy and Planning Commission (HPPC) was unanimously approved.

The County Manager brought up the following issues for discussion:
• Clarification on the recommendation to reduce winter days of operation at the satellite offices to Wednesdays and Thursdays for the Pojoaque and Edgewood offices and Tuesdays and Thursdays for Eldorado office
• As long as no County business is discussed, a quorum of Commissioners may be present at gatherings incidental to the legislature. Where possible, notice will be posted on occasions where it has been established a quorum will be present
• The Commissioners were asked about their preference for having an electronic packet as opposed to a paper one. A complete electronic packet could be posted on the website before the meeting resulting in greater access for the public.
• An extension for the sole community provider application has been filed

Legislative update:
The County has established a list of priorities for capital outlay. The bulk of the bills being focused on will concern policies matters. The New Mexico Association of Counties, Municipal League and Bernalillo County have brought up issues that will have an impact on Santa Fe County, including correctional matters, property tax lightening, voter centers and the hold-harmless provision in conjunction with GRT on food. Additionally, return-to-work provisions and amendments to the procurement code are expected to arise, along with housing, sole community provider, franchise fees and the interlock fund.
The legislature will start Tuesday, January 18 at noon and will end March 19 at noon. Santa Fe County will arrange a breakfast with the local legislators to discuss priorities. Commissioner Anaya asked that an effort be made to clarify provisions of the Per Diem Act to promote volunteerism.

A resolution identifying notice requirements for meetings and outlining provisions for telephone participation passed unanimously. The resolution is identical to that of last year and covers County committees without resolutions of their own.

Growth Management
MIS 05-5520: Hacienda del Alamo Master Plan Extension – approved [5-0]
V 10-5510: Rob Turner Variance – approved [5-0]
MIS 10-5230: David & Peggy Romero – approved [5-0]
MP/PDP/DP 10-5400: Mine Shaft Tavern – approved [4-1] Chair Vigil voted against

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at