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January 13, 2015 BCC Summary

January 13, 2015 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC), all five Commissioners were present.

The Board of County Commissioners meeting minutes from November 25 and December 9, 2014 were approved by unanimous vote, 5-0

Consent Calendar was unanimously approved 5-0

Final Orders

  • CDRC CASE # Z 13-5380 Elevation.Vedura Residential Operating, LLC, Applicant, JenkinsGavin, Agents, requested a Master Plan in conformance with the Community College District Ordinance to allow a multi-family residential community consisting of 214 residential units On 22 + acres
  • CDRC CASE # V 14-5190 Pablo & Maria Cerquera Variance.Pablo and Maria Cerquera, Applicants, requested a variance of Ordinance 2007-2 Village of Agua Fria Zoning District, Section 10.6 (Density and Dimension Standards), to allow a third dwelling unit on 0.962 acres


  • Resolution No. 2015-1, A budget increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to budget a Grant for the Pojoaque Sports Fields in Pojoaque in Santa Fe County / $128,800.
  • Resolution No. 2015-2, A budget increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to budget supplemental funding awarded through the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Grant Program / $8,000.00.
  • Resolution No. 2015-3, A modification #2 to High Intensity Drug Trafficking  (“HIDTA”) Grant #G14SN0011A, ratifying Grant #G14SN011A and Modification #1, and authorizing the County Manager to apply for and accept HIDTA Grants.


  • Approved memorandum that authorized the use of District 5 Capital Funds, per Capital Outlay Policy, allocating $30,000 for the construction of a Slip Lane on Richards Avenue.
  • TABLED: Authorization of the Use of District 4 Capital Funds, per Capital Outlay Policy, allocating $80,000 for design and construction of a trailhead and connector trail at Glorieta.
  • Approved Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement No. 2012-0116-LG/TRV with Sheehan & Sheehan, P.A., extending term by one (1) year and increasing maximum possible compensation by $50,000.

End of Consent Agenda

Action Items

Appointments and Resignations, Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0

  • Appointment of members to the Santa Fe County Fair Board (Terri Werner, Gary Runer, Mindie Burch, Jeff Boulware, Ismael “Eric” Sanchez and Basil Davis)
  • Appointment of two members to the County Development Review Committee from Commission District 3 (Phil Anaya) and  District 4 (Frank Katz)
    • Appointments of members to Boards or Committees of the following entities:
      • Buckman Direct Diversion
        • Commissioners Chavez and Stefanics (Commissioner Roybal, alternate)
    • Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization
      • Commissioners Anaya, Roybal and Stefanics (Commissioner Chavez, alternate)
    • North Central New Mexico Economic Development District
      • Commissioner Holian (Commissioner Stefanics, alternate)
    • North Central Regional Transit District
      • Commissioner Chavez (Commissioner Roybal, alternate)
    • Regional Coalition for LANL Communities
      • Commissioner Roybal (Commissioner Anaya, alternate)
    • Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency
      • Commissioners Chavez, Holian and Roybal (Commissioner Stefanics, alternate)
    • La Bajada Ranch Steering Committee
      • Commissioner Holian and Constituent Services Liaison, Chris Barela, alternate (for Commissioner Anaya)
    • Housing Authority
      • All five Commissioners
    • Board of Finance
      • All five Commissioners
    • Investment Committee
      • Commissioners Anaya and Chavez (Commissioner Holian, alternate)
    • New Mexico Association of Counties Multiline Pool
      • County Manager, Katherine Miller (Commissioner Anaya, alternate)
    • New Mexico Association of Counties Workers Compensation Pool
      • Commissioner Anaya (County Manager, Katherine Miller, alternate)
    • Estancia Valley Economic Development Association
      • Commissioner Anaya (Economic Development Manager, David Griscom, alternate)


  • Approved the amended Intergovernmental Agreement of the North Central Regional Transit District, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Presentation and direction on the North Central Regional Transit District proposed shuttle service to Santa Fe Ski Area.  (Commission direction was to support other commuter routes in Santa Fe County before pursuing shuttle service to the Santa Fe Ski Area)


  • A Proclamation proclaiming January 14, 2015, Santa Fe County Higher Education Day, approved by unanimous vote, 5-0

Matter from the Commission

  • TABLED - Recognition of Veterans and Servicemen (Commissioner Anaya)

Matters from the County Manager

Legislative Session

  • December 15, 2014 through January 16, 2015 – pre filing period for 2015 Legislative Session
  • January 20, 2015 – 2015 Legislative Session Opening Day
  • January 29, 2015 - Santa Fe County Day at State Capitol 8:30am – 1:00pm (Press Conference from 12:00pm – 12:15pm in the Rotunda)
  • February 19, 2015 – Deadline for introduction of new legislation
  • March 21, 2015 – Session ends

Jail Inspection

  • Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 33-3-4, the Board of County Commissioners is obligated to undertake an inspection of Santa Fe County's correctional facilities annually.  Observations from the inspection will be incorporated into a written report presented at a BCC meeting. 

It is necessary to schedule this mandatory inspection and the Public Safety Department will be coordinating calendars for this inspection.

Employee Benefits Evaluation Update

  • Santa Fe County has undertaken the evaluation of our benefit program with the firm of Arthur J. Gallagher and Company. As a component of the evaluation, an employee survey of voluntary benefits is being developed and will be rolled out late this month.
  • This information will be included into a recommendations report scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of 2015.

Town of Edgewood – Town Hall / January 17, 2015

  • The Town of Edgewood will be hosting an open house on Saturday January 17, 2015, from 1:00pm – 3:00pm at the Edgewood Middle School. Although the Agenda is still being completed, we have been advised of the following topics:
  1. Main Street Grant “Branding”
  2. Edgewood Comprehensive Plan
  3. First Choice Health Commons
  4. Stanley Cyclone Center
  5. YMCA
  6. Misc./Public Comment and Questions

Weight Limit Ordinance Update

  • Staff is performing the calculations to determine the numerical size of the weight limit for 4 roads.  Originally, staff felt that proprietary software was needed to aid in these calculations and was working to hire a firm with the software, but in December, they came upon a free software tool developed by the Minnesota DOT that can do the same thing.  In the future, this tool will save us time and money, but it approaches the problem from a different angle than the proprietary software, so to use it for this go-around, we had to collect new data.  Most of the new data has been collected, so staff is now crunching the numbers and will bring the request to publish title and general summary of the ordinance to the February 24 BCC. 


Board Study Session

  • I am proposing to have a Board Orientation/Study Session on Tuesday February 10, 2015, from 9:00am - 1:00pm (with a working lunch and prior to the BCC meeting at 2:00pm). This Session will provide an opportunity to discuss those Departments and Issues that will affect the Board as we move forward this calendar year.

In addition, this time will be used to set the stage for Board action on the capital planning and budgeting program. Proposed discussion items are as follows:

  1. Human Resources
    1. Organizational Overview
    2. Union Contracts
    3. Handling Personnel Matters
  1. Legal Issues
    1. Open Meetings Act
    2. Meeting Protocol/Running Committee Meetings/BCC
    3. Agenda Process
    4. Ex-Parte Communications
    5. Ethics
    6. Public Information Office
      1. Talking to the Media
      2. Website & Public Relations
    7. Capital Planning
      1. Budget Overview
      2. Reserve Policy
      3. Capital Projects

Joint City / County Meetings

  • The City would like to have Quarterly Joint City/County Meetings at 4pm on the following dates:
    • Friday January 30, 2015
    • Friday April 24, 2015
    • Friday July 31, 2015
    • Friday October 30, 2015

City Public Utilities Proposal Update

  • The City Finance Committee held a meeting where pursuing a City/County municipal electric utility was discussed.  Councilors are interested in determining the BCC's interest in this initiative and approved a resolution directing staff to collaborate with the County to explore, research and analyze the next steps identified in the Economic Feasibility Assessment of a Publicly-Owned Electric Utility for the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County.

Mid-Year Budget Reviews

  • The Finance Division and the County Manager’s Office will be conducting mid-year budget reviews beginning January 22 through January 30, 2015. In addition, the FY16 Budget Kick-off is tentatively scheduled for late February.


  • At the January 9 BDD Board meeting, the BDD Board informed the public that BDD may be down for a significant period of time this year due to structural damage at the intake itself.  This issue may have a financial impact on the County Utility with regard to the Water Resources Agreement and buying back-up water. Public Works is working on a review of potential impacts and will be meeting with the newly appointed Commission representatives on BDD to brief and discuss this matter.

Matters from the County Attorney

Land Acquisition

  • Highway 14 Senior Center Site - the Commission gave direction to perform due diligence on potential site.


After the regular BCC meeting, two Special BCC Meetings were conducted


  1. 1.     Community Development Block Grant Program (First Special BCC meeting)

CDBG Project No. 12-C-NR-I-01-G-36

  • Presentation and Public Hearing concerning CDBG Project No. 12-C-NR-I-01-G-36, the construction of improvements to the Greater Glorieta Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association
  • Resolution No. 2015-4, Santa Fe County’s completion and closeout of Community Development Block Grant Project No. 12-C-NR-I-01-G-36 for Greater Glorieta Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association Improvements, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0

Selection of 2015 CDBG Project

  • Presentation and Public Hearing concerning CDBG Program and Potential Projects
  • Resolution No. 2015-5, Authorizes the submission of a New Mexico Community Development Block Grant Program Application to the Department of Finance and Administration/Local Government Division and authorizes the County Manager to Act as the Chief Executive Officer and authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the application and Santa Fe County’s participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
    • Project selected by the Commission - Glorieta Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Users Association - Phase III Improvement Project. Total Project Cost: $1,384,513; $500,000 to be requested from CDBG and $884,513.00 from a New Mexico Water Trust Board grant to be used as a cash match.  


  1. 2.     Land Use Cases and Other Matters (Second Special BCC meeting)

Public Hearings


  • Ordinance No. 2015-___, amending Ordinance No. 2012-1 pertaining to the Affordability Lien that is executed and recorded at the time of closing of an affordable home sale.  (No vote, first public hearing)
  • Ordinance No. 2015-1, The Santa Fe Brewing Company Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) Project Ordinance, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0


Land Use Cases

  • CDRC CASE # Z/DP/V 14-5430 Santa Fe Brewing Co Expansion.Lock Builders, LLC, Applicant, JenkinsGavin, Agents, a Master Plan Amendment, Preliminary and Final Development Plan approval to allow an expansion to an existing brewing facility on 4.97-Acres.  This request also included a variance of Ordinance No. 2000-12, Article XV, Section 6.H Open Space Standards to allow 37% Open Space rather than the required 50% Open Space, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • CDRC CASE # V 14-5340 Luis and Isela Rodriguez Variance.  Luis and Isela Rodriguez, Applicants, a Variance of Ordinance No. 2002-9 (La Cienega and La Cieneguilla Traditional Community Planning Area and La Cienega Traditional Community Zoning District), Section 6.4 (Zoning Density) to allow two dwelling units on 2.5 acres, passed by unanimous vote, 3-0 (Commissioners Chavez and Holian were not present for vote)
  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5420 Ernest Chavez and Robin Suellen Chavez (Personal Representative of the Estate of Jesse Chavez) Vacation of Plat.Ernest Chavez, Applicant and Robin Suellen Chavez (Personal Representative of the Estate of Jesse Chavez), Applicant, (Sommer, Karnes & Assoc, LLP) Joseph Karnes, Agent for the Estate, request approval to vacate a Recorded Lot Line Adjustment Survey Plat which reconfigured 2 existing lots that became known as Tract 1-R consisting of 25 acres and Tract 2-R consisting of 11.58 acres, on a total of 36.38 acres, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5450 Kelly Wilson Vacation of Easement.Kelly Wilson, Applicant, (Paramount Surveys, Inc.) Paul Rodriguez, Agent, request approval to vacate a thirty-eight foot (38’) wide private access and utility easement on one lot totaling 2.50 acres.  The easement will be relocated on-site,  passed by unanimous vote, 5-0 
  • TABLED: BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5410 Richard Berman Vacation of Easement.Richard Berman, Applicant, (Paramount Surveys, Inc.) Paul Rodriguez, Agent, request approval to vacate three (3) platted drainage easements on one lot totaling 1.397 acres  
  • CDRC CASE # V 14-5400 Melody Sauceda Variance.Melody Sauceda, Applicant, requests a variance of Ordinance No. 2002-9 (La Cienega and La Cieneguilla Traditional Community Planning Area and La Cienega Traditional Community Zoning District), Section 6.4 (Zoning Density) to allow two dwelling units on 3.26 Acres, approved 4-1 (Commissioner Holian voted against)
  • BCC CASE # MIS 06-5272Tavelli Master Plan Extension.Michael A. Tavelli, Applicant, requests a 24-month time extension of the previously approved Tavelli mixed-use subdivision Master Plan, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • TABLED - CDRC CASE # Z 06-5033 Village at Galisteo Basin Preserve (“Trenza”) Master Plan AmendmentCommonweal Conservancy (Ted Harrison), Applicant, request a Master Plan Amendment to reconfigure the planning envelope from 10,360 acres to 3,560 acres, to reduce the size of the development from 965 dwelling units and 150,000 square feet of commercial and civic land uses to 450 dwelling units and 88,500 square feet of mixed use, commercial and civic land uses, a green cemetery and a 60-seat outdoor amphitheater. The applicant also requests a revision of the original five phase development to six phases that would take place over a period of 12 years.
  • CDRC CASE # V 13-5190 Minnie Walsh Variance.Minnie Walsh, Applicant, requests a Variance of Article III, Section 10 (Lot Size Requirements) and a Variance of Article III, Section 2.4.1a.2.b (Access) of the Land Development Code and a Variance of Article 4, Section 4.2 of Ordinance No. 2008-10 (Flood Damage and Stormwater Management) to allow a Family Transfer Land Division of 1.195 acres into two lots.  The BCC rendered a decision to approve this request on October 8, 2013.  The BCC’s decision was then appealed to District Court, and the court decision on July 31, 2014, was to remand the case back to the BCC for a rehearing, approved 3- 2 (Commissioners Holian and Stefanics voted against)