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January 26, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

January 26, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – January 27, 2010 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:

The following action was unanimously approved by the Commission:
• Proclamation honoring and remembering the life of Benjamin E. Martinez passed. Mr. Martinez’ family was present to receive a plaque in recognition of his tremendous contributions to the community and the country as a WWII veteran who survived the Bataan Death Walk.
• Recognizing the economic, social and cultural contributions that immigrants bring to Santa Fe County, a resolution reaffirming the County’s commitment to civil rights and equal access to County services and a call to Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform passed by unanimous voice vote.
• Resolution urging the Commissioner of Public Lands to consult with the BCC concerning a proposed swap of 3,607 acres in the community of Arroyo Seco. The property is important to the community’s economic development and included within the community’s long-term vision

Community Funds: By unanimous voice vote, the Commission approved the following expenditures:
• $1,500 - Change Your Reality Youth Conference sponsored in part by Santa Fe County’s DWI Program
• $1,000 - Santa Fe Public Schools Volunteer Services Program for fingerprinting program
• $1,000 – Interfaith Community Shelter Group

Also approved were:
• An MOU between the County and City for the provision of senior services
• Agreements pertaining to grants and assurances for DWI programs and CARE Connection
• Accounts payable disbursements for December 2009
• Contracts with five companies for vehicle parts, equipment and tires
• A change order with Bradbury Stamm Construction reducing the amount by $173,012.09
• An agreement to purchase property for the Fire Department’s training facility
• A JPA between the State Energy and Natural Resources Department and the County Fire Department for mutual aid in firefighting
• An Ordinance clarifying emergency services administrative reporting requirements
• A resolution that supports the use of conservation easements by landowners who wish to voluntarily protect, in perpetuity, the open space character of their agricultural land as one tool among many needed in order to enhance the sustainability, diversity and resiliency of the local agricultural economy.
• A resolution approving the transfer of GRT bond funds to the general fund to cover the reimbursement of water rights purchases
• Resolutions adjusting the Law Enforcement Operations Fund for office renovations, public safety programs, and drug enforcement programs

Edgewood Mayor Bob Stearley appealed for $800,000 in additional funds for their wastewater treatment plant. This economic development project has brought in a Wal-Mart resulting in a sharp increase in gross receipts taxes; a medical center is also planned, along with future residential projects. County Manager Abeyta stated there is no immediate funding available but that he would consult with the Finance Director regarding opportunities in the long term.

Community Funding Match - The Commission discussed the $3 million gap between the sole community funding match needed by CHRISTUS/St. Vincent Hospital and the money the County is able to dedicate. According to Finance Director Martinez any increase above last year’s level of $5.2 million would jeopardize the County’s Health Department programs, RECC and detention center medical services, which are currently supported by GRT. It was decided to move up the planned budget work session to before the mid-February sole community provider deadline.

Complete Count Committee - Constituent Liaison Hutch Miller outlined the activities of the Complete Count Committee in raising census awareness. Progress has been made in locating questionnaire assistance centers in County buildings, schools, libraries and community and senior centers. Public relations efforts continue on Twitter, Facebook, and the County’s website.

County’s committees and task forces - County Manager Abeyta indicated a study of the County’s committees and task forces is ongoing and there is a plan to consolidate them into three principal committees: The CDRC (seven members), a Capital Infrastructure Committee (five members) and a Community Services Committee (five members). The existing committees would be organized into task forces charged with specific concerns and would report to one of the major committees on a quarterly or biannual basis. This would consolidate efforts and cut costs.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at

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