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January 27, 2015 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present.

Honored Our Veterans and Service men and Women
Sheriff Robert Garcia and Eugine Garcia (retired/Major for the Sheriff’s Department) were recognized

Employee Recognition:

New Employees were introduced by the County Manager

Employees were recognized for graduating from the New Mexico Edge Program:
Lillian Armijo (Administrative Assistant/Treasurer’s Office) – Certified Public Official and
New Mexico Certified Treasury Official
Adam Bailey (Accountant/Treasurer’s Office) – New Mexico Certified Treasury Official
Amanda Hargis (GIS Coordinator/Growth Management) – Certified Public Official
Adam Leigland (Public Works Director/Pubic Works) – Certified Public Supervisor
Danielle Meira (Recording Clerk/Clerk’s Office) – Certified Public Official
Adamina Pino (Accounts Payable Supervisor/Finance) – Certified Public Supervisor
Theresa Romero (Administrator/Treasurer’s Office) – Certified Public Supervisor
Ardis Thomas (Continuous Quality Improvement Coordinator/Corrections) – Certified
Public Official
Gabriella Trujillo (Administrative Manager/Public Works) – Certified Public Supervisor
Patrick Varela (County Treasurer/Treasurer’s Office) – Certified Public Official

The following employees were recognized as Employees of the Quarter in their respective departments and overall Employee of the Quarter for the 4th Quarter winner was announced:
Molly Archuleta (Registered Nurse) – Public Safety/Corrections
Caleb Mente (Dev. Review Specialist) Growth Management/Development Review
Nathan Segura (Corporal) – Sheriff’s Office
Becky Meyer (Accountant Senior) – County Manager’s/Finance
Rick Gallegos (Graffiti Prevention & Removal Specialist) – Public Works/Building Services
*Congratulations to Becky Meyer, winner of Employee of Quarter

All Items approved under the Consent Agenda, passed by unanimous vote (5-0):
Final Orders
• CDRC CASE # V 14-5270 Madeline Wells and Mary O’Brien Variance. Madeline Wells and Mary O’Brien, Applicants, A Variance of Article III, § 10 (Lot Size Requirements) of the Land Development Code to allow two dwelling units on 6.195 acres.
• CDRC CASE # V 14-5300 Cathy and Chris Stoia Variance. Cathy and Chris Stoia, Applicants, A Variance of Article III, § 10 (Lot Size Requirements) of the Land Development Code to allow a Land Division of 13 acres into two lots.
• CDRC CASE # V 14-5230 Sam Mendoza Variance. Sam Mendoza, Applicant, Request a Variance of Article II, Section 4.3.3bii (Small Lot Family Transfers), of the Land Development Code to allow a Small Lot Family Transfer of 2.79 acres into two lots prior to being in possession of the Family Proper for a Five Year Period.
• Resolution No. 2015-6, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget three (3) Grants Awarded through the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Highway Safety Projects in the amount of $55,520.
• Resolution No. 2015-7, A Budget Increase to the Federal Forfeiture Fund (225) to Budget New Forfeiture Funds received through the Equitable Sharing Program/$6,251.94.
• Resolution No. 2015-8, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Protection Fund (211) to budget one (1) Carryover Funding Amount awarded through the State of New Mexico in the amount of $2,828.
• Resolution No. 2015-9, A Budget Increase to the General Fund (101) to Budget a Grant from the New Mexico Clean and Beautiful Program to install signage at the Dale Ball Trailhead/$5,000.
• Resolution No. 2015-10, A Budget Increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget a Grant to install a Wi-Fi System and wiring at the Steve Herrera 1st Judicial Courthouse in Santa Fe County/$85,000.
• Resolution No. 2015-11, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to budget one (1) Grant Awarded through the Byrne Memorial Justice Program in the Amount of $13,089.

• Approved the County Health Care Assistance Claims in the amount of $67,306.04

(End Of Consent Agenda)

Action Items
Appointments/Resignations, all items approved by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Accepted resignation of Corrections Advisory Committee Member- Employee of the City of Santa Fe Police Department.
• Appointed Renea Gray to the County Development Review Committee, Commission District 5.

Miscellaneous, all items approved by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Agreement No. 2015-0160-FD/PL with Big Rock Builders for the Construction Services of the Pojoaque Fire Station Improvements in the amount of $289,699, exclusive of GRT, and request County Manager Signature Authority on the Purchase Order.
• Agreement No. 2015-0159-PW/PL with Big Rock Builders for the Construction Services of the Hondo Fire Station No. 1 Apparatus Bay Addition in the amount of $280,300, exclusive of GRT, and Request County Manager Signature Authority on the Purchase Order.
• Agreement No. 2013-0014-PW/MS (NMDOT CN S100120) Amendment No. 3 with OCCAM Consulting Engineers in the amount of $33,392.82 for a total contract amount of $453,158.03, exclusive of GRT.
• Buckman Direct Diversion Water Treatment Plant Operating Budget (BDD) for Fiscal Year 2016.
• Audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2014.

• Resolution No. 2015-12, Authorizes the County Manager to submit an application to the New Mexico Department of Transportation applying for Recreational Trails Program Funds. Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-13, Establishes the Transportation Advisory Committee; repeals Resolution Nos. 2011-52 and 2012-15 establishes the Road Advisory Committee; and Amends Resolution No. 2012-151 to replace the Road Advisory Committee with the Transportation Advisory Committee. Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0 (with amendments)
• Water Policy Advisory Committee Analysis of Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Back-Up Water Supply. Approved by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote)
• Presentation of Water Policy Advisory Committee’s White Paper
• Resolution No. 2015-14, Adopt the recommendations of the Water Policy Advisory Committee on Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Back-Up Water Supply. Passed by unanimous vote, 4-1 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote)

• Resolution No. 2015-15, Approved the Water Policy Advisory Committee’s Calendar Year 2015 Work Plan. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• County Facility Conditions.
• Adam Leigland, Public Works Director, presented the State of the County Facility Inventory.
• Resolution No. 2015-16, Adopted Minimum Acceptable Facility Condition Scores in accordance with the Facility Asset Management System created pursuant to Resolution No. 2013-40. Passed 4-1 (Commissioner Stefanics voting against)
• Resolution No. 2015- 17, Support continued Enforcement and Funding of the Federal Endangered Species Act. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-18, Establish a Planning Committee for each of the following areas: Village Of Agua Fria Zoning District, La Cienega/La Cieneguilla Community Zoning District, Los Cerrillos Community Zoning District, Madrid Community Planning District, Pojoaque Valley Community District, San Marcos Community Planning District, US 285 South Highway Corridor Zoning District, Tesuque Community Zoning District, Galisteo Community Planning District, San Pedro Contemporary Community Zoning District, and Tres Arroyos Del Poniente Zoning District. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-19, A Budget Increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget a Grant to Design and Construct renovations to the Women’s Health Facility in Santa Fe County/$113,256. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-20, A Budget Increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget a Grant to make Solar Energy Improvements to Fire Stations in Santa Fe County/$182,000. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-21, A Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to budget a NM State Forestry reimbursement and new funding for multiple grants/$406,711. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-22, A Budget Increase to the GOB Series 2013 Fund (351) to budget approved and unbudgeted funds for General Goodwin Ranch Road Improvements/$1,387,762. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-23, Authorize the disposition of Fixed Assets in accordance with State Statute. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-24, Amend Resolution 2013-61 to clarify policies for County Owned or Leased Community Centers. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-¬¬25, Direct the County Manager to assess any Unique Infrastructure and Service Needs of the County’s Wildland-Urban Interface Areas as well as Funding Options to meet those needs. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
• Resolution No. 2015-26, Support of the Regional Coalition of LANL Communities Resolution concerning LANL’s Environmental Mitigation Master Task Order Agreements and the Environmental Mitigation Work related to those agreements. Passed by unanimous vote, 5-0

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations
• The Finance Department was presented with the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Awarded to Santa Fe County for Fiscal Year 2013.
• Adam Leigland, Public Works Director, provided an update on Rural Water System Policy and Individual System Acquisitions.

Matters From The County Manager
• Legislative Updates
• Miscellaneous Updates
o Commission Study Session – February 10, 2015 8:30am/Legal Conference Room
o Possible Joint City/County Meeting - February 20, 2015 11am-1pm/County Chambers
o Fire Academy Graduation on Saturday, January 31, 2015 10am at IAIA

Information Items provided to the Board for the Record
• Growth Management monthly report
• Public Safety monthly report
• Public Works monthly report
• Human Resources monthly report
• Administrative Services monthly report
• Community Services monthly report
• Financial Report for the month ending December 31, 2014

Public Hearings
• BCC CASE # MIS 14-5510 Warumono LLC and Ten Thousand Waves, Inc. Beer & Wine Liquor License. Warumono LLC and Ten Thousand Waves, Inc. D/B/A Izanami, Applicants, Linda Aiken, Agent, Request Approval of a Restaurant Beer and Wine Liquor License. Passed by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for vote)
• Low Income Tax Rebate Created by Ordinance No. 2009-2, Pursuant to NMSA 1978, § 7-2-14.3 discussion and public hearing. No Action was taken.

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee page All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at once they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.