News and Articles


January 27, 2016 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present.

BCC meeting minutes from the November 24, 2015 BCC was approved by unanimous vote 4-0, Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote.

Employee Recognitions

Recognition of Santa Fe EDGE Graduates

            Treasurer Pat Varela, CPS – County Treasurer

Claudia Borchert, CPO – Utilities Division Director

            Mark Garland, NMCGISS – GIS Analyst

            Marianne Martinez, NMCTO – Senior Mobile Home Specialist

            Matthew Roybal, CPO – GIS Technician

            Julian Juan Sena, CPO – GIS Technician


Recognition of Santa Fe County Employee of the Quarter, 4thQuarter Awards (October – December 2015)


           Public Safety – Naomi Salazar, Department Administrator

            Community Service – Chrisann Romero – Administrative Assistant

            Public Works – David Ruiz – Maintenance Tech Senior

            Support Services – Lynette Kennard – Accounting and Finance Reporting Manger

            Sheriff’s Department – Jessica Rodarte – Sheriff Records Supervisor

            Lynette Kennard was selected Employee of the 4thQuarter


Recognition of Years of Service for Santa Fe County Employees for December

            Audrey Maestas – PSD/Adult Detention Facility/Corporal -  5 years

            Antonio Garica – Project & Facilities Management/Custodian – 5 years

            Vanessa Barnett – Sheriff’s Office/Deputy III – 10 years

            Dominic Le Doux – ASD/Information Technology/Systems Analyst – 10 years

            Seferino Houston – PWD/Road Maintenance/Heavy Equipment Operator – 10 years


Consent Calendar - All Consent Agenda items passed by unanimous vote 5-0


  •          Approved County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $215,529.87.
  •          Approved the Grant of Right of Way Easement from Santa Fe County to the Mora-San Miguel Electric Coop, Inc. to Provide Electric Service for the New Glorieta Fire Sub- station.


  •          Resolution No. 2016-8, A Budget Increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget a Grant Awarded Through the State of New Mexico for the Vista Grande Library /$9,951.
  •          Resolution No. 2016-9, A Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to Budget State Forestry Revenue for the Fire Department/ $112,408.
  •          Resolution No. 2016-10, An Increase to the General Fund (101) to Budget for a Memorandum of Understanding Made with the City of Espanola for the 2014 Terrain Mapping and Orthophotography Project / $7,500. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-11, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget the Proceeds From the Sheriff’s Fleet Auction / $50,720.  
  •          Resolution No. 2016-12, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget Supplemental Funding Awarded Through the HIDTA Grant Program / $1,072. 

(End Of Consent Agenda)


Action Items – All Action Items approved by unanimous vote 5-0 (with the exception of “Tabled” items)


  •          Resolution No. 2016-___, A Resolution Endorsing the Establishment of a “La Bajada National Monument” on Lands Owned or Controlled by the Federal Government.  Vote to table approved 4-1, Commissioner Stefanics voted against. TABLEDTO MAY 31, 2016 MEETING
  •          Resolution No. 2016-13, Supports Funding for Supportive Housing for Individuals with Behavioral Health-related Disabilities.
  •          Resolution No. 2016-14, Supports Increasing the Federal Royalty Rate for Oil and Gas Produced on Federal Public Lands. 
  •          Resolution No. 2016-15, Supports the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution Regarding the Safety Net Care Pool (SNCP).



  •          WITHDRAWN- Approval of Professional Services Agreement No. 2015-0333-GM/PL Between Santa Fe county and CDM Smith, Inc. for Planning and Development of an Infrastructure Build-out Study County Wide in the Amount of $249,922.00 and Grant Signature Authority to the County Manager to Execute the Purchase Order. 
  •          Update, Presentation and Request Direction on Health Commons Project Located in the Town of Edgewood.
  •          Approved the Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the County of Santa Fe and the New Mexico Coalition of Public Safety Officers Santa Fe County Deputy Sheriffs Association, NMCPSO-SFCDSA. 
  •          Consideration and Possible Comment on Town of Edgewood Petition for Annexation Involving Numerous Properties.  Board gave consent without objections.


Matters From The County Manager

  •          Miscellaneous Updates
  •          Legislative Session



  •          Update and Presentation Regarding Santa Fe County Actions Along the Santa Fe River in La Cieneguilla.


Matters from the County Attorney

Executive Session

  •          Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:

o   Litigation Involving Santa Fe Film and Media Studios, Inc. and La Luz Holdings, LLC.

o   Rights-of-Way for County Roads.

o   Quintana v. Santa Fe County Commissioners, et al.,State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, No. D-101-CV-2014-269.

  •          Approved Settlement Agreement in Quintana v. Santa Fe County Commissioners, et al.,State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, No. D-101-CV-2014-269, and Delegated of Authority to the County Manager to Execute Any Documents Necessary to Effectuate the Settlement Agreement.  Approved 3-0, Commissioners Anaya and Holian were not present for the vote.


Public Hearings


  •          Ordinance No. 2016-___, Santa Fe County Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) Support for the Place at Caja Del Rio, a Senior Living Project.  TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 9, 2016 


Information Items

  •          Growth Management Monthly Report
  •          Public Safety Monthly Report
  •          Public Works Monthly Report
  •          Human Resources Monthly Report
  •          Administrative Services Monthly Report
  •          Community Services Monthly Report
  •          Financial Report for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2015