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January 8, 2013 BCC Summary

January 8, 2013 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – January 10, 2013 - Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present.

The BCC unanimously approved the November 27, 2012 minutes and the November 29, 2012 Joint City/ County minutes.

The Consent Calendar was unanimously approved.

Proclamations and Presentations

The BCC unanimously approved a Proclamation to honor and remember the life of former Speaker of the House of Representatives Ben Lujan.

The following Presentations were provided to the BCC:

  • Quarterly Santa Fe County Ethics Board Report by Chair Adair Waldenberg
  • Presentation on County Facility Solid Waste Management
  • Presentation on Santa Fe Public Power Study, presented by the City/County Energy Task Force

Matters From The Commission


  • Resolution no. 2013-01, a Resolution requiring staff to prepare a list of all real property owned by Santa Fe County was unanimously approved.
  • Resolution no. 2013-02, a Resolution in support of recurring funding for regional water plan updates was unanimously approved.

Human Resources Department

An amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Santa Fe County and CWA-Sheriff's Deputies Union was unanimously approved.

Matters From The County Manager

  • Staff provided a legislative update
  • A presentation regarding legislation to address the Tax Lightning issue was given by Santa Fe County Deputy Assessor and Vice-Chair of the Assessor’s Affiliate, Mr. Gary Perez.
  • Appointment of board members to the following committees were unanimously approved: Buckman Direct Diversion, Extraterritorial Land Use Authority, Metropolitan Planning Organization, North Central New Mexico Economic Development District, North Central Regional Transit District, Regional Coalition of LANL Communities, Regional Planning Authority, Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Authority. The Board appointments for 2013 are available at

Matters From The County Attorney

  • Amendment No. 1 to the Employment Agreement by and between Katherine B. Miller and the Board of County Commissioners to extend the contract by one year was unanimously approved.
  • A Resolution determining reasonable notice for public meetings of the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County and for boards and committees appointed by or acting under the authority of the BCC; rescinding Resolution 2010-5 was unanimously approved.

Public Hearings

Growth Management Department

  • CDRC CASE # V 12-5120 John & Virginia Kraul Variance – Approved 5-0
  • BCC CASE # MIS 12-5420 College Park Master Plat Authorization – Tabled
  • CDRC CASE # V-12-5320 Jytte Lokvig Variance – Approved 5-0 with additional conditions
  • BCC Case # Mis 06-5271 Tavelli Master Plan Extension – Approved 5-0
  • CDRC CASE #V 12-5060 Jay Shapiro Variance – Tabled

All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at they are approved recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.