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July 10, 2012 BCC Summary

July 10, 2012 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present.

The BCC approved the May 29, 2012 and June 12, 2012 minutes.

The Consent Calendar was approved, items X.B.1 and X. B.2 were withdrawn.

Resolution 2012-81, a resolution requesting an operating transfer from the 2008 Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) Revenue Bond Fund to the GRT Revenue Bond Debt Service Fund to budget investment income revenue for debt service expenditures in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 in the amount of $379,025.33 was unanimously approved.

Finance Department

Resolution 2012-82, a resolution requesting an increase to the Regional Transit Fund to budget additional GRT revenue received for FY 2012 in the amount of $126, 276 was unanimously approved.

Administrative Services Department

Amendment No. 1 to agreement 2011-0270-CORR/MS with Diamond Pharmacy Services for pharmaceutical services and supplies to extend the agreement and increase compensation $280,000 for a total compensation of $560,000 was unanimously approved.

Public Works Department

The BCC unanimously approved the purchase of a Conservation Easement under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program on approximately 17 acres of agricultural land on the Santa Cruz River at rancho Valle for $70,000. The County Open Lands, Trails, and Parks Advisory Committee recommended the purchase.

Matters From the County Manager

Fire Chief David Sperling provided an overview with discussion on a County Fire Protection Excise Tax. The BCC approved the request to publish title and general summary of an ordinance imposing the Fire Protection Excise Tax.

Growth Management Department

CDRC CASE # MP/PDP 12-5070 MCT Waste Master Plan/Preliminary Development Plan – Approved 5-0

CDRC CASE # MP/PDP/FDP 12-5210 Ravens Ridge Bed & Breakfast Approved – Approved 5-0

BCC CASE # MIS 08-5211 Sandstone Pines Time Extension – Approved 5-0

BCC CASE # MIS 12-5240 Carlos Vigil & Susie Coronado Vigil Vacation Of Easement – Tabled