News and Articles


July 11, 2017, BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their regular meeting on July 11, 2017. All five (5) Commissioners were present.

The BCC meeting minutes from the June 13, 2017 Special Board of County Commission Meeting and June 13, 2017 Regular Board of County Commission meeting were approved by a unanimous vote 4-0, with Commissioner Roybal absent.

Consent Agenda
All Consent Agenda items passed by a unanimous vote 4-0, with Commissioner Roybal absent.
• Resolution No. 2017-74, A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets in Accordance with State Statute.
• Resolution No. 2017-75, A Resolution Authorizing the County Attorney to Bring Condemnation Actions, if Necessary, to Acquire Property Interests for the Mt. Chalchihuitl Open Space.
• Approval of State of New Mexico Commissioner of Public Lands Right of Way Agreement in the Amount of $21,079 for the TL6S Transmission Line Project.
• Approval of Amendment No. 5 to Firestik Studio Agreement No. 2014-0237-HHS/PL to Extend the Term and Increase Compensation in the Amount of $80,000 Inclusive of New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax for a Total Contract Sum of $583,000 to Design and Implement DWI Public Awareness Campaigns and Authorize the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order.
• Approval of Amendment No. 3 to Collective Bargaining Agreement between Santa Fe County and the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Association, A Subsidiary of the New Mexico Coalition of Public Safety Officers/NMCPSO.
(End of Consent Agenda)

Action Items
• Resolution No. 2017-76, A Resolution Scheduling A New Water Delivery Pursuant to Resolution No. 2006-57 for the Second Six Months of 2017 and Approving a New Water Allocation Pursuant to Section of the Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC). Approved by a unanimous vote 4-0, with Commissioner Roybal absent.
• Resolution No. 2017-77, A Notice of Sale Resolution for General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2017. Approved by a unanimous vote 5-0.
• Approval of A County Utility Line Extension and Service Agreement between Vegas Verde, LLC and Santa Fe County. Approved by a unanimous vote 5-0.
• Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Santa Fe County Housing Authority, the Santa Fe Association of Realtors, Inc. and the Santa Fe Community Housing Trust. Approved by a unanimous vote 5-0.
• Approval of In-Lieu of Fee Agreement Regarding Water Service Between Santa Fe County and PPSL Legacy at Santa Fe, LLC. Approved by a unanimous vote 5-0.

Matters From the County Manager
Miscellaneous Updates

Matters From the County Attorney
Executive Session. Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, and Deliberations in Connection with an Administrative Adjudicatory Proceeding, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(3) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:
• State of New Mexico, ex rel. State Engineer v. R. Lee Aamodt et al., U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico, No. Civ. 66-06639 WJ/WPL.
• Right of Ways for County Roads.
• CASE # 10-5364 St. Francis South Preliminary Plat Approval for Phase 1-4 and Final Plat Approval for Phase 1 & 2.
• Potential Enforcement Actions for Violations of the Santa Fe County Sustainable Land Development Code and Other County Ordinances.
State of New Mexico, ex rel. State Engineer v. R. Lee Aamodt et al., U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico, No. Civ. 66-06639 WJ/WPL:
• Board Authorized the County Attorney, through contract counsel, to submit on behalf of the County a Certification of Satisfaction of Conditions with the Decree Court that (i) accurately describes the status of various items and (ii) states that the status is acceptable to the County for purposes of entry of the final decree.

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations
• Presentation of Final Report for the Arts, Culture, Cultural Tourism Committee (ACCT

Public Hearings
• Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) First Public Hearing
Land Use Cases
• CASE # 10-5364 St. Francis South Preliminary Plat Approval for Phase 1-4 and Final Plat Approval for Phase 1 & 2. Vegas Verdes, LLC, Applicant, JenkinsGavin, Inc., Agent, Request Preliminary Plat Approval for Phases 1-4, Which Consists of 22 Lots and Final Plat Approval of Phase 1, Consisting of 4 Lots and Phase 2, Consisting of 8 Lots, on 68.94 Acres, of the St. Francis South Mixed-Use Subdivision. the Property is Located at 199 Rabbit Road, Via St. Francis Drive, Within Section 11, Township 16 North, Range 9 East, (Commission District 4). Approved by a unanimous vote 4-0, Commissioner Hamilton recused herself from participating on this item.
