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July 12, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

July 12, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – July 13, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC)

Matters From the Commission:

  • Pat Torres from the County Extension Office introduced a group of young 4-H members who invited the Commissioners and all county residents to join them at the County Fair which will be held August 4, 2011 through August 7, 2011.

Consent Calendar was approved (5-0)

  • BCC Case # MIS 02-4325 La Pradera Master Plat Authorization
  • CDRC Case #V 11-5010 Bernie Romero Variance
  • Authorize an Indefinite Price Agreement with Cummins Rocky Mountain for 25KW and 30KW Generators (Bid Award 2011-0276-FD/TRV)
  • A Resolution correcting typographical errors in Resolution 2011-79, (A Resolution Adopting Water Service Rate and Fee Schedule)

Community Services:

  • Ordinance 2011-5 passed declaring hazardous fire conditions and imposing restrictions on open fires, smoking and other ignition sources.

Public Works:

  • Approved (5-0) Santa Fe County Agreement #2011-0220-PW/MS for engineering services for the Caja Del Rio Road Widening Project to Bohannan Houston Inc.
  • Approved (5-0) publish title and general summary of an ordinance amending Ordinance 1998-16, section 8, paragraphs B.3 and B.4 (a) through B.4 (e), in order to provide the necessary and complete text of said paragraphs by the insertion of page 27 into said Ordinance and correcting an error in the formula for calculating the extra-strength surcharge. (Ordinance 1998-16 An Ordinance Establishing Provisions For Extension Of Sewer Service; Adopting Operating And Management Procedures; Setting Rates; and Establishing Design Standards For The Santa Fe County Wastewater Utility).

Matters From the County Manager:

  • Discussions of the 2011 redistricting continued with the League of Women Voters reviewing the broad federal guidelines, such as all districts being within +/- five percent of the average size, contiguity, compactness and avoidance of geographic barriers. There was Commission consensus to continue discussions during the regularly scheduled BCC meetings and emphasize public input.
  • County Manager Miller stated County staff is working on modifying the County road acceptance policy to offer greater options for acceptance of private roads.
  • Community Services Director Joseph Gutierrez distributed a list of potential community meeting dates to solicit input on Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) projects.
  • Auditors from the firm of Moss Adams reported on restitution amounts arising from an estimated $73,364 of County assets sold on eBay by former Sheriff Solano and on recommendations to prevent and detect future problems. Manager Miller spoke about the measures that have already been put in place to improve inventory controls and tracking.

Public Hearings – Growth Management:

  • CDRC Case MP/PDP 09-5300 - UDV Temple: Denied by a 3-2 vote with Commissioners Holian, Anaya and Mayfield voting to deny.
  • CDRC Case V 11-5909 - Suzanne Teng Variance: Unanimously approved: Created lot will be sold to the County Open Space & Trails program.
  • CDRC Case V 11-5030 - Ivan Salcido Variance: Unanimously approved with water use conditions and a five-year hold before newly created lots can be sold.
  • CDRC VAR 10-5560 - Juan Lozoya Variance: Request denied by unanimous vote with a series of conditions requiring the applicant to remove additional dwellings.
  • Reconsideration of BCC MIS 11-5140 - Rezoning of Polk Property: By a majority (3-2) vote with Commissioners Mayfield, Holian and Anaya voting in the majority. This case which had previously been denied by the BCC was reconsidered.
  • BCC Case MIS 11-4150 - Rezoning of Polk Property: By majority (3-2) vote with Commissioner Mayfield, Holian and Anaya voting in the majority this rezoning was approved to be compliant with the annexation/settlement agreement between the City and County with a series of recommended restrictions.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once approved at