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July 26 BCC Meeting Summary

July 26 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe, NM – July 27, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC):

All five Commissioners were present, with Commissioner Holian participating telephonically for the last part of the meeting.

Minutes from the Special Board of County Commissioners meeting on June 21, 2011 and Board of County Commissioners Meeting on June 28, 2011 were approved (5-0)

Matters of Public Concern:

Supporters of the nurses union urged the BCC to insist Christus St. Vincent Hospital negotiate in good faith and to make their financial records transparent. Speaking under Matters from the Public, leaders and representatives stated their concerns in relation to Christus St. Vincent Hospital. There was a consensus of support from the Commission.

Matters From the Commission:

Santa Fe County Fair Queen Sara Czmyrid and Princess Katey House invited the public to attend and participate in the Santa Fe County Fair to be held August 4 to August 7. The County Fair is free and indoor exhibits are still being accepted.

The BCC voted against an amendment to Solid Waste Ordinance 2010-5 to add a new fee of $40 for 12 waste disposal visits to be used at any of the Santa Fe County Solid Waste Transfer Stations. It was a 3-2 vote with Mayfield and Anaya voting in favor of the amendment.

The BCC voted against publication of title and general summary of an ordinance amending Ordinance 2010-5 to permit holders of residential solid waste permits to use the permit until exhausted and providing that such permits shall not expire at the conclusion of the fiscal year. It was a 3-2 vote with Mayfield and Anaya voting in favor of the amendment.

It was noted that Solid Waste Ordinance 2010-5 should be a topic of discussion at the BCC retreat in August.

A presentation was made by representatives of the Rio Grande Educational Collaborative's summer program in Edgewood. The program offers a fun and educational alternative for children in the area and will be expanding to more schools in the Moriarty-Edgewood area and into the City of Santa Fe.


The BCC accepted the resignation of Deborah Armstrong, a District 5 Health Policy and Planning Commission representative and appointed David Harwell to the seat.

Consent Calendar: Budget Adjustments

The BCC passed Resolution 2011- 95, requesting an operation transfer from the General Obligation Bond (GOB) 2001 Series Fund (353) to the GOB Debt Service Fund (401) to budget investment income revenue for debt service expenditures in Fiscal Year 2011 in the amount of $1, 146.97. (4-0 vote)

The BCC passed Resolution 2011-96, requesting an operational transfer from the 2008 GRT Revenue Bond Fund (333) to the GRT Revenue Bond Debt Service Fund (406) to budget investment budget investment income revenue for debt service expenditures in Fiscal Year 2011 in the amount of $199,649.73. (4-0 vote)

The BCC passed a resolution requesting an operation transfer from the General Fund (101) to the Economic Development Fund (224) for the expenditures related to the Santa Fe Media District in the amount of $32, 242.81 (3-2 vote with Mayfield and Anaya voting against).

Treasurer's Office:

The Board of County Commissioners temporarily adjourned and reconvened as the Santa Fe County Board of Finance.

County Treasurer Victor Montoya announced the County's portfolio now stands at over $213 million. The Investment Committee meets monthly and the plan remains to find safe, diversified investments that benefit the local economy. The Investment Plan was unanimously approved by the Commission.

The Santa Fe County Board of Finance Board adjourned and reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners.

Community Services:

The BCC unanimously approved the following resolutions.

Resolution 2011-97, a resolution creating and defining the duties of the Santa Fe County Maternal and Child Health Planning Council.

Approval of Change Order to the contract between Santa Fe County and Bradbury Stamm Construction, Inc., for the construction of the First Judicial Courthouse Project in the amount of $188,935.24.

Approval Of DWI Grant Agreement no. 12-X-I-G-27 with the New Mexico Department Of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division, in the amount of $300,000 to provide detoxification services in Santa Fe County.

Finance Department:

The BCC unanimously approved the following resolutions.

Authorization to accept and award Agreement #2011-0269-FI/MS to Impressions Advertising for the Lodger's Tax Advertising and Promotional Services for Santa Fe County in response to RFP #2011-0269-FI/MS in the amount of $300,000.

Resolution 2011-98, a Resolution requesting approval of the Department Of Finance and Administration fourth quarter Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2011 ending on June 30, 2011.

Finance Director Teresa Martinez reviewed the fourth Quarter financial report, noting the numbers are not final. There was $153.6 million in revenues and $169.4 million in expenses, requiring the use of $15.8 million in cash. Property tax and GRT collections were over budget while unincorporated GRT was slightly under. Martinez also discussed recurring versus non-recurring expenditures.

Public Works

Resolutions were passed accepting additional easements for Richards Avenue and the new roundabout, and taking on maintenance on .3 miles of College Drive, which meets County standards. These measures are intended to relieve congestion on Richards Avenue.

Matters from the County Manager:

Redistricting discussions will continue to be an agenda item at the BCC meetings and the public is encouraged to provide input through email, at public meetings or by contacting their Commissioner. Erle Wright from the GIS Department provided population breakdowns of districts and precincts and maps. He will be bringing options for redistricting to the next meeting with an emphasis on minimum change using major roads as boundaries.

A resolution was passed with the object of increasing the water supply to La Bajada and La Cieneguilla that has been interrupted due to drought and the action of beavers in the area. In addition to the formation of a work group the County will collaborate with the City of Santa Fe, Bureau of Land Management, State Game and Fish and other involved entities.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once approved at