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July 27, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

July 27, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – July 29, 2010 – Four commissioners were present and Commissioner Holian participated on some items by telephone. Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners: 

Returning from Executive Session, a motion was unanimously approved to name Katherine Miller as Santa Fe County Manager

Matters from the Commission:

· Regional Coalition of LANL Communities – Representatives of the Coalition were present to discuss the importance of working together as a region to promote economic development. The County was asked to participate in a joint powers agreement and provide funding for the effort. Pablo Sedillo, Senator Bingaman’s Field Representative, commend the effort and noted that regional projects are receiving attention from the federal government

· Santa Fe County Fair – Announced the opening of the County Fair, present were County Fair Queen Sara Zimmerman and Fair Princess Sydney Stewart. The Fair opens August 4 and runs through August 8

· Graduate New Mexico 2010 – A proclamation passed recognizing the need to graduate from high school in order to sustain New Mexico’s growing economy and workforce. The proclamation highlighted the importance of parent, school, and community partnerships

· County Convenience Center Caretakers were recognized for their services at the County’s transfer stations. Michael Vigil, Levi Martinez, Joseph Griego, Rudy Anaya, Andrea Roberts, Andrew Vigil, Alex Grant, Jim Gumpolen, William Mares, Kim Gumpolen, Brett Garris and Les Francisco were honored for their dedication

Community Services Department:

· The Commission unanimously approved increases to expenditures arising out of the contamination at the site of the First Judicial Complex. Approved increases included Bradbury Stamm, for construction, $867,831.17; Gerald Martin Ltd., for construction management, $631,490.06; Souder Miller, for environmental remediation, $541,243.66; Intera, Inc., for Environmental Consultant services, $335,454.97. The total amount of the contract amendments was $2,376,019.86, which was noted is still within the project budget

Matters from the County Attorney:

· With Commissioner Holian participating by telephone, County Attorney Steve Ross explained new arrangements made recently to facilitate the County’s agreement with Santa Fe Studios. He described documents by which the County will guarantee loan payments to Los Alamos National Bank, and which will protect the County in the event of default. In addition to unanimously approving these documents the Commission approved an ordinance as required by the Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) redefining the agreement, a revised project participation agreement, as well as details establishing delegation of duties to the acting County Manager for the closing formalities. Mr. Ross stressed that under the guarantee the County will not be responsible for the principal amount, but rather the defaulted payments

· Speaking for Santa Fe Studios, Jason Hool stated Santa Fe Studios has a better chance of success than the troubled Albuquerque Studios due to Santa Fe’s cachet and the fact that the studios will start modestly and grow organically. He anticipated construction would begin shortly after closing and productions could begin in one year

· Mr. Ross reviewed the loan agreement between Los Alamos National Bank and Santa Fe Studios, which is pending letter of intent.

· The Commission unanimously approved a resolution ratifying the previous County Manager’s approval of the month-to-month lease of water rights from the Hagerman well

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at