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June 14, 2016 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of actions taken by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) of Santa Fe County. Four Commissioners were present, Commissioner Stefanics was excused from the meeting, and Commissioner Anaya was excused for a portion of the meeting.

The meeting started at 2:19 p.m.

Agenda was approved by a unanimous vote 3-0.

BCC meeting minutes from May 10, 2016, BCC Special Budget Session Meeting Minutes were unanimously (3-0) approved. BCC meeting minutes from May 10, 2016, BCC Regular Meeting Minutes were unanimously (3-0) approved.

Consent Calendar- There was no Consent Agenda.
(End of Consent Agenda)

Actions Items- All action approved by unanimous decision of either 3-0 until Miscellaneous Resolution no.2016-63. Commissioner Anaya began voting to create unanimous decision of 4-0.

• Appointments/Reappointments/Resignation- Appointment of Member to the County Open Lands, Trails, and Parks Advisory Committee (COLTPAC). (Open Space and Trails/Maria Lohmann)

• Withdrawn- Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of Ordinance No. 2016-___, the Santa Fe County Animal Control Ordinance: An Ordinance Governing the Duties of Animal Owners and Others; Impoundment of Animals; Issuance of Permits; Defining Offenses; Establishing Penalties; and Repealing Santa Fe County Ordinances 1981-7, 1982-7, 1990-8, and 1991-6 and Santa Fe County Resolution 1982-28. (County Attorney)

• Approved MOA No. 2016-0179, a Memorandum of Agreement Between the County of Santa Fe and the Greater Chimayo Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, and Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Accompanying Purchase Order. (Public Works)

• Approved MOA No. 2016-0359-PW/KE, a Memorandum of Agreement Between the County of Santa Fe and the Cuatro Villas Mutual Domestic Water User Association, and Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Accompanying Purchase Order. (Public Works)

• Approved the Second Amendment to JPA No. 2016-0179-PW/BT, a Joint Powers Agreement between the County of Santa Fe and the Greater Chimayo Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association. (Public Works)

-Commissioner Anaya present for remainder of the meeting

Action items below approved by unanimous decision (4-0)
• Resolution No. 2016-63, A Resolution Awarding the Santa Fe County, New Mexico General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016. (Finance Department/Carole Jaramillo)

• Discussion and Possible Direction on Options for General Obligation Bond Questions that May Be Considered for Placement on the Ballot for the November 8, 2016, General Election. Authorization to size bonds of $30 million for general election. (Finance Department)

• Resolution No. 2016-64, A Resolution Recognizing 75 Years of Volunteer Community Service by the Sheriff’s Posse of Santa Fe County. (Commissioner Anaya)

Public Hearings

• Land Use Case (Possible Action Item)*
o BCC CASE #MIS 16-5130 Santa Fe Brewing Co. Small Brewers License. Santa Fe Brewing Co., Applicant, Requests Approval to Expand the On Premise Consumption Area by Over 25% of a Small Brewer’s License. The Property is Located at 35 Fire Place, within the Community College District, within Section 24, Township 16 North, Range 8 East (Commission District 5). John M. Salazar, Case Manager.

• Fireworks Restrictions (Possible Action Item)
o Resolution No. 2016-65, A Proclamation Resolution Declaring Extreme or Severe Drought Conditions within the Unincorporated Portions of Santa Fe County and Banning the Sale and Use of Certain Fireworks in the Unincorporated Portions of the County, Including Wildlands, and Limiting the Use of Certain Fireworks to Specified Areas. (Fire Department)