News and Articles


June 26, 2018 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their regular meeting on June 26, 2018.  All five (5) Commissioners were present. 

The BCC meeting minutes from the May 29, 2018 Board of County Commissioners Meeting were approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.


Employee Recognitions

·         Mr. Manny Maes - “Volunteer of the Year”, for the Santa Fe County Community Services Department’s Volunteer Program. 

·         Introduction of New Santa Fe County Employees.

·         Years of Service of Santa Fe County Employees.

o   Five (5) Years:             Jimmy Tapia- CSD/Senior Services

Monique Rivera- PSD/Youth Development Facility

Rachel Martinez- PSD/Fire

Manuel Gallegos- PSD/Fire

Michael Judge- PSD/Fire

Ana Laura Hernandez- PW/Building Services

John Romero- PW/Building Services

o   Ten (10) Years:            John Arnold- PSD/Fire

Jaison Dixon- CMO/IT

o   Fifteen (15) Years:      Maricela Martinez- CMO/Purchasing

o   Twenty (20) Years:      Diane Ortiz-Acosta- Housing Administration

Mike Romero- PW/Projects & Facilities


Consent Agenda (Action Items)

All Consent Agenda items passed by a vote of 5-0.


·         Approval of County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $42,782.28. 

·         Approval of Change Order No. 2 for Contract No. 2018-0143-PW/KE Between Santa Fe County and GM Emulsion, LLC., for the Pinon Hills All Weather Crossing Project, Increasing the Amount of the Contract an Additional $18,772.58, for a Total Contract Sum of $447,974.35, Exclusive of NM GRT and Grant Signature Authority to the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order. 

·         Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 2016-0211-A-CORR/IC with Accountable Healthcare Staffing and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 2016-0211-B-CORR/IC with Cross Country Staffing to Extend the Term An Additional Year and Grant Signature Authority to the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Orders. 

·         Acceptance of Dedication of Water System for Phase 2 of the Tessera Residential Subdivision.

·         Approval of Drainage Easement Dedication Plat Between Caja Del Rio Holding, LLC as Grantor and Santa Fe County as Grantee for the Senior Campus at Caja Del Rio Minor Subdivision Project. 

·         Ratification of the County Manager’s Signature on the Grant Application for Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Mainstream Voucher Application.


·         Resolution No. 2018-61, A Resolution Delegating to the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate and Execute all Documents and Agreements Necessary for the Santa Fe County Housing Authority’s (“SFCHA”) Implementation of the Energy Audit, Phase II of the Energy Performance (“EPC”) Project, and Completion of the EPC. 

·         Resolution No. 2018 - 62, A Resolution Authorizing the County Manager to Negotiate and Acquire Through Purchase Real Property for Segment VI of the Santa Fe Rail Trail.

·         Resolution No. 2018-63, A Resolution Delegating Authority to the County Manager to Negotiate and Execute All Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of Real Property Interests Necessary for the Construction of the Northeast and Southeast Connectors. 

·         Resolution No. 2018-64, A Resolution Delegating Authority to the County Manager to Negotiate and Execute All Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of Real Property Interests Necessary for the Construction of the Vista Aurora Sewer System in the Village of Agua Fria.

 (End of Consent Agenda)


Action Items

All Action Items passed by a vote of 5-0.


·         Appointment of Nicole Fiacco to the Santa Fe County Lodger’s Tax Board.

·         Appointment of Santa Fe Board of County Commission Chair Anna Hansen, as Santa Fe County’s Voting Member at the National Association of Counties Annual Conference in Nashville-Davidson County, Tennessee, July 13-16, 2018.  


·         Resolution No. 2018-65,  A Resolution To Adopt The Santa Fe County Transit Service Plan For FY 2019 And To Direct Staff To Submit That Transit Service Plan To The North Central Regional Transit District.

·         Resolution No. 2018-66, A Resolution Adopting the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (FY2019). 

·         Resolution No. 2018-67, A Resolution Defining the Number of Committee Members Necessary to Establish a Quorum of the Water Policy Advisory Committee.

·         Resolution No. 2018-68, A Resolution Supporting the United States Census Bureau by Creating a Census 2020 “Complete Count Committee” to provide the County with Assistance and Advice in Obtaining the Most Accurate and Complete Population Count in the Upcoming Decennial Census. 


·         Approval of the Santa Fe County Strategic Plan. 


·         Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of Ordinance No. 2018-___, County Regional Transit Gross Receipts Tax Reauthorization Election.

·         Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of Ordinance No. 2018-___, An Ordinance Amending the Delayed Repeal of the County Regional Transit Gross Receipts Tax and Reauthorizing the Tax.

Public Hearing

·         Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) - First Public Hearing. (No Action Required)


Matters From the County Manager

·         Miscellaneous Updates.       

·         Presentation and Report from REDI Net on the Community Network.                          

·         Presentation and Discussion on Policies and Procedures Regarding Santa Fe County’s Response to Pueblo Request to Acquire Additional Trust Land.


Matters From the County Attorney

·         Executive Session. Items Including But Not Limited To: Limited Personnel Matters, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(2) NMSA 1978, Threatened or    Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or May Become a            Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1 (H)(7) NMSA 1978, and Discussion             of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as        Allowed by Section 10-15-1 (H)(8) NMSA 1978.  

o   Conservation Easement – Southern Santa Fe County

o   Executive Management Personnel Matters

o   Update on Safety Measures


No action was taken as a result of Executive Session.


Information Items

·         Community Services Department Monthly Report

·         Growth Management Department Monthly Report

·         Public Safety Department Monthly Report

·         Public Works Department Monthly Report

·         Human Resources Division Monthly Report

·         Finance Division Monthly Report


Concluding Business


Adjournment (Action Item)

