News and Articles


June 27, 2012 BCC Summary

June 27, 2012 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – June 28, 2012 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present; Commissioner Mayfield present by telephone.

The BCC approved the Minutes from the May 15, 2012 Budget Study Session.


  • Dodi Salazar, Executive Director of the Santa Fe County Housing Authority, was recognized for her retirement after 25 1/2 years of dedicated service.
  • Gabriella Trujillo and Lorina Sanchez were recognized for completing the Santa Fe County College for Working Adults program and obtaining their Associate Degree in Accounting.
  • A proclamation in support of the efforts of the School Time “Duds” community group was unanimously approved.
  • The Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award For Fiscal Year 2012 was presented to the Board and the Finance Division.
  • A Santa Fe County Fair Board Update was provided. The County Fair is August 2-5.The Assessor's Office presented the Annual Tax Report to the BCC.
  • The presentation is available online at

The Consent Calendar was unanimously approved.

Administrative Services Department

  • Amendment No. 6 to agreement #27-0732-CSD/RM Construction Management Services for the Steve Herrera Courthouse Complex with Gerald A. Martin, LTD in the amount of $190,759.90, inclusive of Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) was unanimously approved.
  • Amendment No. 3 To Professional Service Agreement #2011-0187-CORR/TRV with Sierra Detention Systems for additional services with an increase in compensation by $28,759.00 for a total compensation of $547,695.00 was unanimously approved.

Public Works Department

  • The BCC unanimously approved the Initial GRT Program and continued discussion on the Draft Capital Improvement Plan.

Finance Department

  • The Resolution requesting approval of the Fiscal Year 2013 Final Budget was unanimously approved.

Matters From The County Manager

The following monthly reports were presented:

  • Financial Report for the month ending May 31, 2012
  • Construction Report
  • Human Resources Monthly Report For May 2012

Matters From The Commission

  • The BCC tabled a Resolution to accept road maintenance on Rabbit Road and Willow Back Road within the Oshara Subdivision as specified on the Final Plat.
  • A Resolution requesting that the County Open Lands, Trails and Parks Advisory Committee (COLTPAC) develop and bring forward a volunteer plan for county-owned Open Space and Trails was unanimously approved.
  • A Resolution supporting inclusion of the Town Of Edgewood as a member of the North Central Regional Transit District was unanimously approved ( Commissioner Kathy Holian abstained from the vote).