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June 28, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

June 28, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – June 29, 2011– Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners – all five commissioners were present:

Approval Of Minutes

Board Of County Commissioners approved the May 31, 2011 Meeting Minutes


The Board accepted the resignation of Jacqueline Baca and Betty Cardenas as members of the Santa Fe County Maternal and Child Health Planning Council.

The following items were unanimously [5-0] approved under the Consent Calendar:

  • A joint powers agreement with Los Alamos, Rio Arriba counties, Espanola, and various pueblos for the REDI Middle Mile Broadband Network. Three points of presence (POPs) have been designated and no financial commitment from the County is required
  • Collective bargaining agreements with The New Mexico Coalition Of Public Safety Officers-Communication Workers Of America, Local 7911 union and The American Federation Of State, County, And Municipal Employees; New Mexico Council 18, Local 1782 union. There is a potential for re-opening negotiations should the County’s financial situation change
  • A professional services agreement with Modrall Sperling for bond counsel services

Program Manager Greg Smith gave an update on preparations for the upcoming County Fair, which will run from August 3 to August 7. He encouraged the public to visit the Fair Grounds to see the improvements that have been made.

Planning Director Robert Griego announced the Taos Resource Management is in its final phases. The County participates as a cooperating agency. The RMP will offer a range of reasonable choices with current mining grandfathered in and emphasis on protection of cultural and historic resources. Opportunities for public input still exist and the final draft is planned for an August or September release.

The following resolutionswere passed:

  • Changing precinct boundaries as a first step in the redistricting process. The number of precincts was changed from 87 to 88
  • Approving the fiscal year 2012 final budget of $218,272,900 of which $158 million is recurring expenses

Community Services:

An agreement with PNM to relocate power lines for the construction of the First Judicial Complex was unanimously approved. Money will come from contingency and grant funding. Action on the easement was tabled.

Finance Department:

Finance Director Teresa Martinez gave an overview of the County’s financial health, noting both property tax collections and gross receipts were over budget and cost-saving measures continue to reduce expenses.

Public Works Department:

There was a (3-2) decision to authorize publication of title and general summary for an ordinance to amend the Solid Waste fee schedule, adding a 12-visit option. Commissioners Holian and Vigil voted against the authorization.

County Manager Issues:

Public Information Officer Kristine Mihelcic and RECC Director Ken Martinez explained the difference between the County’s notification systems. The Dialogicor Reverse 911system is used only for emergencies such as evacuation notifications and currently only uses land lines. The Nixlesystem if for community messaging and announces items of interest such as road closures and public meetings. A newer Dialogic system with increased capacity and the ability to chose a preference for landline, cell phone or email notification cell phone registration will be available at the end of July. Residents can sign up for Nixle by clicking “Get Connected” on the County website.

G.I.S. Analyst Erle Wright announced that Redistrictingefforts have begun and in future meetings the Commissioners will be asked to consider such options as whether there is a preference for minimum change, whether future growth will be considered, how public input will be taken and other parameters that will affect the outcome that follows the 2010 Census. There was a request to include the League of Women Voters in the public hearings. At the July 26 BCC meeting maps showing potential options will be presente

Legal Department:

Commissioner Mayfield asked that all County employees be advised of the new State law governing the Code of Conductthat will take effect July 1,2011.

 All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once they are approved at