News and Articles


June 28, 2016 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – July 5, 2016 - Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Four of the five Commissioners were present (Commissioner Stefanics was excused).

BCC meeting minutes from the May 31, 2016 BCC was approved by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote).

Employee Recognitions
Recognition of Years of Service for Santa Fe County Employees
Christopher Bradley – PSD/Corrections/Mail Assistant – 5 years
Armando Trujillo – PSD/Corrections/Administrative Assistant – 5 years
Gerald Jimenez – CSD/Health & Human Svs/Cook – 5 years
Jonathan Pacheco – CSD/Health & Human Svs/Driver/Cook’s Assistant – 5 years
Anita Kilgore – Sheriff’s Office/Secretary Senior – 10 years
Patrick Ortiz – ASD/Risk Management/Safety Coordinator – 10 years
Samuel Patty – PSD/Fire Department/Firefighter/EMT-I – 10 years
Gabriella Trujillo – PWD/Administration/Administrative Manager – 15 years
Eric Barraza – Clerk’s Office/Election Tech Administrator – 20 years
Recognition of New County Employees

Consent Calendar- All Consent Agenda items passed by unanimous vote, 4-0 (unless otherwise noted after caption).
Final Orders
• CDRC CASE # V 15-5140 Vernon DeAguero Sign Variance. Vernon DeAguero,
Applicant, Alberto Alcocer, Agent, Request a Variance of Article VIII, § 7.15
(Prohibited Signs) of the Land Development Code in Order to Allow an Existing
96 Square Foot Sign Advertising an Off-Site Business on 2.213 Acres.
• Resolution No. 2016-66, Appointed Vice Chair Henry P. Roybal as the Designated County Delegate and Commissioner Liz Stefanics as the County Alternate at NACO’s 81st Annual Conference and Exposition.
• Resolution No. 2016-67, A Budget Increase to the GOB Series 2013 Fund (351)/Thornton Ranch Open Space Project for FY 2016 /$55,047.
(End of Consent Agenda)

Action Items – All Action Items approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (unless otherwise noted)
• Resolution No. 2016 - 68, Write-Off Uncollectible Accounts of the Santa Fe County Corrections Division.
• Resolution No. 2016-69, Commits Santa Fe County Fund Balance.
• Resolution No. 2016-70, Authorizes Budgeting and Expenditure from the Santa Fe County Health Care Assistance Fund for Indigent Patients Residing at Santa Fe County Detention Facilities. Approved by unanimous vote, 3-0 (Commissioner Anaya not present for the vote).
• Resolution No. 2016-71, Adopts the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (FY 2017).
• Resolution No. 72, Authorizes Certain Growth Management Department Staff and the Enforcement Officer for the Solid Waste Division to Issue Citations for Violations of County Ordinances; Repealing and Replacing Previous Resolutions Authorizing County Staff to Issue Citations, Including Resolution Nos. 2006-53, 2013-62, and 2013-128.

• Indefinite Quantity Professional Services Agreements to Provide Temporary Nursing Services for the Corrections Department.
o Professional Services Agreement No. 2016-0211-B-CORR/IC with Accountable Healthcare Staffing and Authority for the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order(s).
o Professional Services Agreement No. 2016-0211-B-CORR/IC with Cross Country Staffing and Authority for the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order(s).
• Memorandum of Understanding between Santa Fe County and the New Mexico Coalition of Public Safety Officers Representing the Santa Fe County Deputy Sheriff’s. Approved by unanimous vote, 3-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote).

Matters From The County Manager
• Miscellaneous Updates

• Presentation on the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition and the Implementation, Resilience Strategy, and Communication Teams By Eytan Krasilovsky, Southwest Director, Forest Stewards Guild, Including a Review of Current Community Perspectives, Opportunities to Support Fire Adapted Communities, and Potential Actions for the Board of County Commissioners.
• A Proclamation Proclaiming the Month of June, 2016, as National Safety Month in Conjunction with the National Safety Council. Approved by unanimous vote, 4-0.
• Presentation and Recognition of the Glorieta Pass Volunteer Fire District.

Public Hearings Ordinance
• Ordinance No. 2016 - 5, Authorizes the Issuance and Sale of the Santa Fe County, New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2016, in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $33,000,000 for Purposes of Defraying the Costs of Planning, Designing, Constructing, Rehabilitating, Renovating, Equipping, and Furnishing Necessary County Buildings and Facilities, Including, Without Limitation, County Buildings and Facilities Located at the Sites of the County Administrative Building and the Old Judicial Complex, and Defeasing, Refunding, Refinancing, Discharging and Paying the Principal of and Accrued Interest on the County's Gross Receipts Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, and Paying the Costs of Issuance of the Series 2016 Bonds; Providing that the Exact Principal Amounts, Maturities, Prices, Redemption Features, and Other Details of the Bonds Shall Be Established in a Supplemental Resolution Awarding the Bonds to the Best Bidder Therefor Following a Competitive Sale; Ratifying the Distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement in Connection with the Sale of the Bonds; Providing that the Bonds Shall Be Special, Limited Obligations, and for the Payment of the Principal of and Interest on the Bonds from the Distributions to the County of the Revenues of the First One-Eighth Increment, the Third One-Eighth Increment, and the One-Sixteenth Increment of the County Gross Receipts Tax Enacted Pursuant to Section 7-20E-9 NMSA 1978, and Possibly the One-Eighth Increment of County Hold Harmless Gross Receipts Tax Enacted Pursuant to Section 7-20E-28 NMSA 1978, which are Distributed to the County by the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Pursuant to Section 7-1-6.13 NMSA 1978; Providing for the Pledge of Such Revenues by the County; Ratifying Action Previously Taken in Connection with the Bonds; and Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict with this Ordinance. Approved by unanimous vote, 4-0.

Matters from the County Attorney
Executive Session
• Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:
o Board of County Commissioners v. James R. Brecher and Phebe Brecher, First Judicial District Court, Santa Fe County, Cause No. D-101-DV-2015-02629.
o Right of Ways for County Roads.
o Disputes Concerning Cost-Sharing for Buckman Direct Diversion Project.
o Disputes Arising under the Water Resources Agreement with the City of Santa Fe.
o Potential Arbitration with Union Concerning Collective Bargaining Agreement.
• Discussion of Competitive Sealed Proposals Solicited Pursuant to the Procurement Code, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(6) NMSA 1978. (Items Added)
o Proposals for Professional Liability Insurance for Fiscal Year 2017.
o Proposals for Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Fiscal Year 2017.
• Settlement Agreement Concerning Board of County Commissioners v. James R. Brecher and Phebe Brecher, First Judicial District Court, Santa Fe County, Cause No. D-101-DV-2015-02629.
• Resolution No. 2016-73, Delegates the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate for Professional Liability Insurance for Fiscal Year 2017 and to Execute Purchase Orders, Agreements, and Other Documents Necessary or Advisable to Effectuate Such Insurance.
• Resolution No. 2016-74, Delegates the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate for Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Fiscal Year 2017 and to Execute Purchase Orders, Agreements, and Other Documents Necessary or Advisable to Effectuate Such Insurance.

Information Items
• Growth Management Monthly Report
• Public Safety Monthly Report
• Public Works Monthly Report
• Human Resources Monthly Report
• Administrative Services Monthly Report
• Community Services Monthly Report
• Financial Report for the Month Ending May 31, 2016