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June 30, 2015 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  Four of the five Commissioners were present.  Commissioner Anaya was excused. 

Meeting minutes from the May 26, 2015 BCC was approved by unanimous vote 4-0. 

Employee Recognitions

Introduction of new employees

Recognition of Years of Service for Santa Fe County Employees – June 2015

Jerome Blea – Public Works/Administrate Assistant – 5 years

Vernon Naranjo – Sheriff’s Office/Sheriff Deputy III – 5 years

Paul Prentice – Sheriff’s Office/Sheriff Deputy III – 5 years

Cordilia Montoya – County Clerk/Recording Clerk Sr. – 10 years

Larry Gonzales – Public Works/Heavy Equipment Operator – 15 years

Tila Rendon-Varela – Corrections/Department Administrator – 15 years

Michael Post – Sheriff’s Office/Sheriff Lieutenant – 15 years

Jose Rodriguez, Jr. – Sheriff’s Office/Sheriff Sergeant – 15 years

James Yeager – Sheriff’s Office/Sheriff Corporal – 15 years

Penny Ellis-Green – Growth Management/Department Director – 20 years 

Consent Calendar (All Items approved under the Consent Agenda, passed by unanimous vote 4-0)

Final Orders

  • CDRC CASE # V/FDP 14-5090 Stanley Cyclone Center. Santa Fe County, Applicant, Lorn Tryk (Lorn Tryk Architects), Agent, Requested Final Development Plan Approval to allow a 51,250 square foot structure, to be utilized as an event center for equestrian events, on 11 acres +. The Applicants request included a Variance of Article III, Section 2.3.6 (Height Restrictions) to allow the proposed structure to exceed 24 feet in height and a Variance of Article III, Section 4.4.4.F (Landscaping) of the Land Development Code.
  • CDRC CASE # V 14-5270 Virginia Gould & Lauri Hakola Variance. Virginia Gould  and Lauri Hakola, Applicants, Requested a Variance of Article III, § 10 (Lot Size Requirements) of the Land Development Code, to allow a land division of 20 acres into two lots. 


  • Approved County Health Care Assistance Claims in the amount of $65,040.50. 
  • Approved Sub-Grant Agreement Number FEMA-4152-DR-100 and Time Extension Amendment with the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. 
  • Approved a Proclamation Honoring Marcella Salazar for 25 Years of Public Service in the Santa Fe County Clerk’s Office. 

(End Of Consent Agenda) 

Action Items

Appointments/Reappointments (all appointments/reappointments were approved by unanimous vote 4-0)

  • Christine Wendel was appointed to the DWI Planning Council. 
  • Judy Williams was appointed to the Community Hospital and Health Care Study Group Established by City of Santa Fe Resolution No. 2014-19.
  • Carolyn Roberts was appointed to the Community Hospital and Health Care Study Group Established by City of Santa Fe Resolution No. 2014-19.

Resolutions (all Resolutions were approved by unanimous vote 4-0)

  • Resolution No. 2015-87, Establishes Policies and Principles to govern the development of Santa Fe County Water Utility Rate Schedules. 
  • Resolution No. 2015-88, Commits Santa Fe County Fund Balance. 
  • Resolution No. 2015-89, Authorizes the surplus of Fixed Assets in accordance with State Statute. 
  • Resolution No. 2015-90, Authorizes the surplus of Fixed Assets in accordance with State Statute. 
  • Resolution No. 2015-91, Authorizes the donation of Fixed Assets in accordance with State Statute. 
  • Resolution 2015-92, Writes-off uncollectible accounts of the Santa Fe County Corrections Division. 

Miscellaneous (all Miscellaneous items were approved by unanimous vote 4-0)

  • Approved the Professional Services Agreement between Santa Fe County and Modrall, Sperling, Roehl, Harris & Sisk, P.A., No. 2015-0308-FI/MY to provide Professional Legal Bond Counsel Services for General Obligation Bonds, Revenue Bonds, Special Assessment Bonds or other Bond Financing Transactions undertaken by the County.
  • Approved the Construction Agreement between Santa Fe County and Fire Training Structures LLC, No. 2015-0335-FI/MY for the purchase and installation of a pre-designed, pre-engineered, two-story, modular fire training tower for the Santa Fe County Fire Department and the ratification of the County Manager’s signature on the purchase order.
  •  Approved the Professional Services Agreement, Cash Management Services Master Agreement and Global Addendum to Cash Management Agreement between Santa Fe County and First National Bank of Santa Fe, N.A.; and delegate certain signature authority to the County Manager. 
  • Approved the LDWI Detox Grant Agreement No. 16-X-I-G-27 with the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division, in the amount of $300,000.00 to provide Detoxification Services in Santa Fe County. 
  • Approved the 2017-2021 State of New Mexico Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) Public Outreach Schedule. 


  • Authorized to Publish Title and General Summary of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2012-5 to clarify that the County is not prohibited from maintaining roads located on county-owned property, approved by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioner Roybal was not present for vote). 

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations


  • Presentation, update and request for direction on the Ortiz Mountain Preserve, approved by unanimous vote 4-0.
  • Presentation of an Ordinance Regulating Developments of Countywide Impact (DCIs), specifically sand and gravel, junkyards and landfills


Matters from County Commissioners and Other Elected Officials

  • Presentation of a Proclamation Honoring Marcella Salazar for 25 Years of Public Service in the Santa Fe County Clerk’s Office. 
  • Discussion of Concerns on Goldmine Road and New Mexico Highway 14. 

Matters From The County Manager

  • Miscellaneous Updates
  • Update on the Santa Fe County Employee Wellness Program. 

Matters from the County Attorney

Executive Session

  • Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may become a participant, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978.

o   Arbitration and Lawsuits involving the City of Santa Fe.

o   Litigation concerning County Roads.

o   In the Matter of the Application of Public Service Company of New Mexico for approval to Abandon San Juan Generating Station Units 2 and 3, Issuance of Certificates of Public Convenience and necessity for replacement power resources, issuance of accounting orders and determination of related ratemaking principles and treatment, Public Service Company of New Mexico, Applicant, Public Regulation Commission Case No. 13-00390-UT.

o   Potential Litigation related to the Indigent Hospital and County Health Care Act.

o   Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal or Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, and discussion of competitive sealed proposals solicited pursuant to the Procurement Code, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(6) NMSA 1978.

o   Acquisition of Open Space.

o   Acquisition of Rights–of-Way for County Roads.

o   Proposal submitted in response to RFP # 2015-0031-PW, La Bajada Ranch Development. 

Public Hearings

Ordinance – TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 10, 2015

  • Ordinance No. 2015-___, An Ordinance Establishing Curbside Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Districts within Certain Populated Parts of Santa Fe County; Prohibiting the Commercial Collection of Residential Solid Waste Within These Districts Except in Accordance with a Valid Contract Between a Commercial Solid Waste Hauler and the County; Implementing and Amending Ordinance No. 2014-10. 

Information Items

  •          Growth Management Monthly Report
  •          Public Safety Monthly Report
  •          Public Works Monthly Report
  •          Human Resources Monthly Report
  •          Administrative Services Monthly Report
  •          Community Services Monthly Report
  •          Financial Report for the Quarter Ending May 31, 2015