News and Articles


June 8, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

June 8, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – June 11, 2010 – All five commissioners were present, below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:

The following actions were unanimously approved by the Commission:

· Proclamation recognizing Pojoaque Pueblo Boys & Girls Club Youth:

Desiree Garcia – New Mexico State Junior Youth of the Year

Andreas Castellano – New Mexico State Youth of the Year

· Office rental amendment in the amount of $21,600 for the Assessor’s Office

· Resolution requesting the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) adopt rules and regulations to protect the New Mexico consumer’s rights with respect to propane service as mandated by SB 468. This resolution is in support of customer service protection.

· Publish title and general summary to amend the Affordable Housing Ordinance regarding refinancing, appreciation of value and accrued interest.

· Publish title and general summary of an ordinance to reform the County’s procurement practices with respect to road and building construction projects – with an emphasis on transparency, process, employee training and confidential reporting

The 2010 Census representatives discussed the importance of the census and highlighted that 39,000 household in Santa Fe did not respond. A group of census workers are going door-to-door to obtain important information. Residents were encouraged to phone 505-216-9012 if they have not received census information. The results will be presented to President Obama December 31, 2010.

Growth Management:

· CDRC Case VAR 10-5100 – Hansrote Variance was approved by a majority vote.

· CDRC Case #V 06-4572 – Grabowski Variance(s) was approved by unanimous voice vote

· Ordinance - requiring permits and fees for motion picture and television productions passed by majority [3-2] vote. The NM Film Commission supported the modest fees stating it would encourage rather than discourage filming in the County.

· Ordinance - amending the Solid Waste fees and permits was approved by majority [3-2] vote with elimination of the reference to Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program increase was necessary to maintain the facility and continue services.

County Manager Abeyta presented a spreadsheet of the water and wastewater project as well as road projects. He noted $15 million will be spent on road improvements over the next three years.

· Investigations are ongoing in the Public Works (sign shop) Department

· The Human Resources Personnel handbook is being updated to include ZERO tolerance for alcohol or substance abuse and the introduction of a random drug testing program

· Policy procedures for Invitation for Bid (IFBs) are being revised and piggybacking on City or State contracts will be scrutinized. Request for Proposal (RFP)/ Request for Quote (RFQ) will be listed on the County website.

· A confidential link will be available to County Legal

· A link is on the website under Hot Topics to the State Auditor

· Meetings regarding the La Cienega Santa Fe Ranch are ongoing and some of the possibilities included a model green community and housing for the film industry

· The millings at the Nambe church will be removed by the County next week

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at