News and Articles


June 8, 2010 BCC Special Budget Meeting Summary

June 8, 2010 BCC Special Budget Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – June 11, 2010 – The five Commissioners listened to a presentation from the County Assessor and County Treasurer requesting consideration of additional full time employees (FTEs) for their departments. The Assessor and Treasurer made the case that with additional personnel their offices could contribute more revenue to the County. 

County Manager Abeyta said following a thorough budget examination and with the goal of maintaining current staffing levels, he initiated a series of actions that result in a $3,035,000 savings. Those actions include: a hard freeze on all positions, elimination of all travel, seminars, cell phones and take home vehicles. Employees earning over $80,000 will realize a 3 percent pay decrease, temporary and casual employees eliminated/reduced, contracts reduced or terminated, and a restructuring of the satellite offices. A public survey to ascertain public perception and priorities is under development and all department and division directors will continue to review for budget savings.

The County will continue to review the budget for additional savings and at this point a series of furlough options are under exploration.

The Manager was recognized for his initiative and he indicated that the budget deficit would be an ongoing issue for the County to work through.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at