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June 8, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting Summary Renewable Energy Finance District

June 8, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting Summary Renewable Energy Finance District

Santa Fe – June 11, 2010 – The Santa Fe County Board of Commissioners met as the Board of Directors for the Renewable Energy Finance District and took the following actions:

· Harry Montoya will serve as Board Chair, Virginia Vigil will serve as Vice Chair, and Kathy Holian will serve as Secretary. Terms will track Board of County Commissioner officer terms.

· By unanimous voice vote, the Board adopted a resolution to comply with the State’s Open Meetings Act. This directs the Board to inform the public of all meetings and declare them as public meetings.

· Program eligibility was outlined to include residential, multi-family properties within district boundaries and commercial/industrial on a case-by-case basis. Solar PV, solar thermal, wind and geothermal are eligible energies.

· Minimum financing is $5,000 and maximum financing $50,000.

· Mandatory workshops with a focus on underwriting criteria and work-flow process will occur for property owners and contractors

· Initial pilot phase will consist of 40 to 50 renewable energy projects