News and Articles


Las Conchas Wildfire Update June 28, 2011 at 8:50 p.m.

 FACT SHEET: Fire Safety Improvements at Los Alamos National Laboratory since the 2000 Cerro Grande Fire

LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico June 28, 2011 – Los Alamos National Laboratory has implemented a multiyear fire safety improvement program since the 2000 Cerro Grande Fire.
            Starting with an emergency Congressional appropriation shortly after the fire, LANL
·         Purchased more than 35 new fire trucks, service vehicles, and pieces of heavy equipment
·         Built a multimillion-dollar state-of-the-art emergency operations center (photo)
·         Conducted $20 million worth of tree-thinning operations, clearing of ground fuels, and construction of fire breaks and roads across the Lab
·         Built a new interagency fire center with a helicopter base and water dip tanks
·         Enacted interagency agreements and training with the U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Los Alamos County, and the state of New Mexico.
·         Improved storm water runoff and erosion controls, planted more than 10,000 willows, and built structures to help prevent contaminants from flowing down canyons
            “The Lab and our interagency partners have applied the lessons learned from Cerro Grande,” said NNSA Los Alamos Site Office Manager Kevin Smith. “The improvements between then and now are substantial and they are making a difference in this fire.”
            A Joint Information Center has been established at the Regional Development Corporation, 2209 Miguel Chavez Rd. in Santa Fe.  Media should call 505-820-1226 for updatesand monitor www.nmfireinfo.comfor official fire updates.
            See additional photos from the Laboratory on the LANL Flickr site.

 LANL Announces Closure for Thursday, June 30

LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico June 28, 2011 – Los Alamos National Laboratory tonight announced it will remain closed through Thursday, June 30 because of risks presented by the Las Conchas Fire and the mandatory evacuation of Los Alamos town site.
Laboratory facilities will be closed for all activities and nonessential employees are directed to remain off site. Personnel are considered nonessential unless they have received specific instructions from their supervisors to report to the Laboratory.
Employees should check local news sources, Los Alamos County Emergency Radio on AM 1610, the LANL Update Hotline (505-667-6622) and the LANL web page ( for updates.
The Laboratory has posted a number of pictures to its Flickr photo site,
            A Joint Information Center has been established at the Regional Development Corporation, 2209 Miguel Chavez Rd. in Santa Fe.  Media should call 505-820-1226 for updatesand monitor www.nmfireinfo.comfor official fire updates.

 LANL Announces Closure for Thursday, June 30

LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico June 28, 2011 – Los Alamos National Laboratory tonight announced it will remain closed through Thursday, June 30 because of risks presented by the Las Conchas Fire and the mandatory evacuation of Los Alamos town site.
Laboratory facilities will be closed for all activities and nonessential employees are directed to remain off site. Personnel are considered nonessential unless they have received specific instructions from their supervisors to report to the Laboratory.
Employees should check local news sources, Los Alamos County Emergency Radio on AM 1610, the LANL Update Hotline (505-667-6622) and the LANL web page ( for updates.
The Laboratory has posted a number of pictures to its Flickr photo site, 

            A Joint Information Center has been established at the Regional Development Corporation, 2209 Miguel Chavez Rd. in Santa Fe.  Media should call 505-820-1226 for updatesand monitor
www.nmfireinfo.comfor official fire updates.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE         June 28, 2011   4:30 p.m.  
Los Alamos, NM – The Los Alamos County Council will host a town hall meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) with White Rock residents and those who have been evacuated from Los Alamos. A representative of the USFS will be on hand to answer questions about the fire. The meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. at the White Rock Baptist Church (80 State Rt 4). Atomic City Transit will offer bus service from the two shelters to the meeting. Bus pick up times are: 12:45 p.m. at the Santa Claran Resort Center and 1:15 p.m. at the Cities of Gold Hotel Conference Center.
Media Advisory: Fire Chief Doug Tucker will give a Las Conchas fire update to the press at the Media Staging Area at 20th/Trinity at approximately 7 p.m. The County will continue to co-host Noon news conferences with LANL at the Media Staging Area until further notice.

LANL Director: “Strong Team Protecting a National Treasure”

LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico June 28, 2011 – Los Alamos National Laboratory Director Charles McMillan today thanked emergency responders fighting the Las Conchas wildfire and again assured the region that the Laboratory’s nuclear facilities and hazardous material sites are safe and protected.
“Wildland fire risks are a key part of our safety analyses.” McMillan said during a joint news conference in downtown Los Alamos. “There are fire mitigations at all of our nuclear facilities, and I am confident in our ability to protect all of them. This is a strong team protecting a national treasure.”
Latest LANL developments:
·         Los Alamos Fire Chief Doug Tucker said the fire has burned up to New Mexico State Route 4, the LANL boundary on its southwest side, and is burning in the Jemez Mountains on the western border.  “When you ask how close it is to the border, it’s a road away,” Tucker said.
·         To date, the only Lab property burned is about an acre of Lab property in a remote, southwest area of LANL known at Technical Area 49. That spot fire was extinguished Monday afternoon.
·         LANL monitoring teams have detected no releases of radiological or other contaminants.
·         The Lab has announced it will remain closed on Wednesday, June 29. 
The Laboratory has posted a number of pictures to its Flickr photo site,
            Los Alamos residents should tune to 1610 AM for emergency information.

 LANL Director: “Strong Team Protecting a National Treasure”

LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico June 28, 2011 – Los Alamos National Laboratory Director Charles McMillan today thanked emergency responders fighting the Las Conchas wildfire and again assured the region that the Laboratory’s nuclear facilities and hazardous material sites are safe and protected.
“Wildland fire risks are a key part of our safety analyses.” McMillan said during a joint news conference in downtown Los Alamos. “There are fire mitigations at all of our nuclear facilities, and I am confident in our ability to protect all of them. This is a strong team protecting a national treasure.”
Latest LANL developments:
·         Los Alamos Fire Chief Doug Tucker said the fire has burned up to New Mexico State Route 4, the LANL boundary on its southwest side, and is burning in the Jemez Mountains on the western border.  “When you ask how close it is to the border, it’s a road away,” Tucker said.
·         To date, the only Lab property burned is about an acre of Lab property in a remote, southwest area of LANL known at Technical Area 49. That spot fire was extinguished Monday afternoon.
·         LANL monitoring teams have detected no releases of radiological or other contaminants.
·         The Lab has announced it will remain closed on Wednesday, June 29. 
The Laboratory has posted a number of pictures to its Flickr photo site,
            Los Alamos residents should tune to 1610 AM for emergency information.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   June 28, 2011   3:00 p.m.
Los Alamos, NM – Los Alamos County officials announced this afternoon that they are going to remain on “essential services” status for tomorrow (Wednesday) due to the Las Conchas fire. Trash pick-up for the commercial district will continue. White Rock residents are still encouraged to leave White Rock if they have health considerations, as smoke will continue to settle heavily overnight into the area from the Las Conchas wildfire.
Starting today, the USPS has arranged for mail service for those who evacuated from Los Alamos. Mail can be picked up at the Pojoaque High School Gym. Residents will need to show a photo ID. Atomic City Transit is offering bus service to/from the shelters to the gym. Mail pick up hours are Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – Noon.
This morning, 40 firefighters working in Los Alamos Canyon cleared fuels immediately around the County’s Ice Rink to help protect the structure in case the fire enters the canyon. They also worked on protecting the Ski Lodge on Pajarito Mountain, where the fire continues to be very active. A second Type 1 Incident Management Team has been added and they are now actively working on the fire with hundreds of firefighters battling the blaze.
County councilors are working on details for holding a public meeting and general briefing tomorrow afternoon in White Rock, with representatives from the Forest Service in attendance to give updates on the fire. Details will be forthcoming on time/date/place.
County press releases are now being sent to the two shelters to be posted for those sheltered there, in addition to the other media outlets.
The County will offer Atomic City Bus service to those who are in the two shelters to tonight’s 6 o’clock meeting hosted by the USFS at Pojoaque High School Gym. Bus pickup times are: 5:15 pm for the Santa Claran Resort Center and 5:45 pm for the Cities of Gold Hotel Conference Center.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE! NR#13 June 28, 2011 9:45 a.m.

Los Alamos, NM – Los Alamos County continues to be currently on an “essential services” only basis today for business. This means limited staff will be available and some offices may be closed completely. The 311 Customer Care Center is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The County will post emergency broadcast updates to 1610 AM with community information about the Las Conchas wildfire as it becomes available.

County facilities such as the libraries, Aquatic Center, and Ice Rink (for Bear Camp) continue to be CLOSED. The County is currently picking up trash for those homes in White Rock with Tuesday schedules. Commercial trash pick up is also scheduled.

The Council Meeting that was to be held this evening has been rescheduled for July 5 (7 p.m. in Council Chambers).

White Rock residents are still being encouraged to leave White Rock if they have health considerations, due to the heavy smoke in the area. White Rock is NOT under evacuation at this time.


Environment Department Monitoring Air Quality In Los Alamos

Members of the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), in conjunction with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Forest Service are actively monitoring air quality around Los Alamos as a result of the ongoing Las Conchas Fire.

During this fire event, the Environment Department staff will conduct continuous air monitoring, maintain monitoring capabilities and expedite analysis of the particulate measurements. In addition to sampling devices at fixed locations, the Bureau has a mobile, solar powered, air monitoring station that can be deployed at optimum locations without regard for an external power supply. This device is currently located at the Los Alamos Airport.

Environment Department staff is conducting continuous air quality monitoring for radioactive particles and tritium using low-volume air pumps. Particulates are collected on filters and analyzed for radioactive particles, metals and organic compounds. High-volume air pumps are also deployed at environmental restoration clean-up sites and decommissioning and demolition operations to independently monitor particulate emissions in air.

LANL personnel are currently conducting air monitoring for particulate matter and radionuclides around Los Alamos. Current air quality index information for conditions at LANL can be viewed at Historical data and monitoring station location can be viewed at The Environment Department, working with the EPA and LANL, is in the process of moving four additional particulate monitors from California to northern New Mexico. The Environment Department will work with the Forest Service and EPA to determine where those monitors should be placed to maximize their effectiveness.

In addition, LANL has radiation monitors that can be used to monitor for possible radiation contamination from the fire. The Environment Department is also working with the EPA and LANL to obtain additional ground-based monitors and an airborne monitor. Some of those monitors will be set up in Santa Fe and Espanola.

During the Cerro Grande fire of 2000, there was considerable public concern regarding the potential release of radionuclides from LANL. The following risk summary is from the “2002 Fact Sheet: Cerro Grande Fire Releases to Air” which may be viewed at 

“The primary health risks during the Cerro Grande fire were associated with breathing materials released into the air. It was estimated the risk of cancer from breathing any LANL-derived chemical or radioactive material that may have been carried in the smoke plume to be less than 1 chance in 10 million. Potential exposures in the surrounding communities to LANL-derived chemicals that are not carcinogenic were about 10 times lower than acceptable intakes established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The risk of cancer from breathing chemicals and radioactive materials in and on the natural vegetation that burned in the Cerro Grande Fire was greater than that from LANL derived materials, but still less than 1 chance in 1 million. The vegetation that burned contained naturally occurring chemicals and radioactive materials and radioactive fallout produced during atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons. These materials and the risks they posed are present during any forest fire. The evidence suggests that some adverse health effects did result from breathing high concentrations of particulate matter in the smoke. Such exposures are associated with any forest fire. Deposition of LANL-derived chemicals and radioactive materials from the smoke plume to the soil was minimal.

Additional information may be obtained from other reports published by the department at

Laboratory Closure for Wednesday, June 29
LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico June 28, 2011 – Los Alamos National Laboratory emergency officials have announced that the Lab will remain closed on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 because of risks presented by the Las Conchas wildfire and the mandatory evacuation of the Los Alamos town site.
Only employees on an essential-duties access list will be permitted back onto Laboratory property during the closure, as notified by their line management. All others are urged to remain off-site until facilities have been safely reopened.
The Laboratory has posted a number of pictures to its Flickr photo site,
Los Alamos County residents should tune radios to 1610-AM for updated information.
A Joint Information Center has been established at the Regional Development Corporation, 2209 Miguel Chavez Rd. in Santa Fe. Media should call 505-820-1226 for updates and monitor for official fire updates.


SANTA FE - A shelter has been established at Cities of Gold Casino at 10-B Cities of Gold Road in Santa Fe to accommodate evacuees from the Las Conchas Fire. An evacuation is in order for Los Alamos. Residents are urged to evacuate.

“It is important that residents ensure their safety by heeding these evacuation orders and finding a place to stay away from the fire and heavy smoke, whether it’s with relatives, with friends, or at a shelter,” said Governor Martinez.

The National Guard and the New Mexico State Police are assisting in the evacuation.

“Residents can proceed to Cities of Gold where the Red Cross and local officials are coordinating accommodations to residents evacuating as a result of the Las Conchas Fire,” Homeland Security and Emergency Management Secretary Michael Duvall said. “It is important that residents know of the location of the shelter and that evacuation assistance is in place to protect lives.”

As needed, additional shelters may be announced.

Evacuating residents should remember the “Five Ps” you need to have ready to go:People, important Papers, Prescriptions, family Pictures and Pets.

Updates on the Los Conchas fire can be found at or Tune into 1610 AM for additional updates.


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