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Last Open House for ICIP on 6/27

Santa Fe County invites the public to a community open house meeting on June 27th. The meeting will provide residents with information on the 2018 Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan and County planning initiatives. The open house format will feature stations dedicated to each area of planning. Topics to be covered:

2018 Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP):
o Funding requests for facilities, roads, utilities, parks, equipment and other capital projects
Community Planning:
o Current long-range planning initiatives in San Marcos District and La Bajada
Community Organizations (COs) and Registered Organizations (ROs):
o Recognizing community associations to increase communication within the County
Agriculture Initiatives:
o Telling the story and building relationships within our local food community
o Developing a hub of information for agricultural producers and buyers
TDR Program and Bank:
o Protecting agricultural land and natural resources
o The TDR Bank and status
Open Space and Trails Plan:
o Updating strategic plan for open space, trails and parks countywide
Transportation Planning:
o Current transportation planning initiatives near you

Open House Meeting will be held:

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
La Cienega Community Center
136 Camino San Jose (CR 50-A), La Cienega, NM

For more information, please visit the County’s website at
You can also contact Jacob Stock (505) 995-2737