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March 12, 2013 BCC Summary

March 12, 2013 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – March 15, 2013 - Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present (Commissioner Anaya was present by telephone).

The February 12, 2013 BCC meeting minutes were unanimously approved.

The BCC unanimously approved the Consent Calendar with item XII. A.1. removed from Consent Calendar and item XII. C. 1 was deferred to the next meeting.

Proclamations And Presentations

  • Tim Vigil was recognized for his service and contributions to the Santa Fe County Housing Authority Board
  • The Santa Fe County Housing Authority maintenance staff was recognized by the BCC for attaining a 100% occupancy rate in Public Housing
  • A presentation and brief overview was provided on the Rodeo Arena Project
  • The BCC unanimously approved a proclamation to recognize March 11 - March 17, 2013 as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week

Matters From The Commission

  • Resolution No. 2013-25, A Resolution approving the Edgewood Senior and Community Center garden project in the amount of $42,000 in support of a community garden and cold frames to provide healthy and nutritious produce for the seniors at the Edgewood Senior Center in Edgewood, New Mexico was unanimously approved.
  • Resolution No. 2013-26, A Resolution establishing procedures for the introduction of resolutions which might have a fiscal impact on Santa Fe County or which create or amend programs or policies was approved 3-2 (Commissioner Kathy Holian, Commissioner Liz Stefanics and Commissioner Miguel Chavez voting to approve and Commissioner Daniel "Danny" Mayfield and Commissioner Robert Anaya voting against).
  • No action was taken on a Resolution establishing specific procedures for adopting resolutions with any fiscal impact on Santa Fe County or which create or amend programs, policies or county ordinances (it will be on the next agenda).
  • The BCC unanimously authorized filing a protest with the Public Regulation Commission for the proposed rate increase for Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative Inc. customers.
  • The following case was pulled from the Consent Calendar, but tabled: CDRC CASE #V 12-5060 Jay Shapiro Variance. Jay Shapiro, Applicant, Requests A Variance Of Article III, Section 10 (Lot Size Requirements) Of The Land Development Code To Allow Two Dwelling Units On 10.21 Acres.

Staff And Elected Officials’ Items


  • Resolution No. 2013-27, A Resolution requesting budget increases to the Capital Outlay Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) 2010A Bond Fund (337), Capital Outlay GRT 2010B Fund (338) and to the Water Enterprise Fund (505) to budget cash balances for the purchase of diversion capacity in the Buckman Direct Diversion Project/$1,875,000 was unanimously approved.
  • Resolution No. 2013-28, A Resolution requesting a budget increase to the General Fund (101) and to the Sheriff’s Operating Fund (246) to budget for various capital, personnel, equipment and supplies needed to open and operate the First Judicial Court Complex / $1,191,786 was approved 3-2 (Commissioner Kathy Holian, Commissioner Liz Stefanics and Commissioner Miguel Chavez voting to approve and Commissioner Daniel "Danny" Mayfield and Commissioner Robert Anaya voting against.)
  • Change Order No. 21 to the contract between Santa Fe County and Bradbury Stamm Construction Inc. to include user requested changes to the Judicial Courthouse Project in the amount of $476,826.33, Exclusive of GRT was unanimously approved.

Public Works Department

  • The BCC unanimously approved a Community Development Block Grant to install water lines in the Glorieta Community in the amount of $424,759.

PUBLIC HEARINGS - Growth Management Department

  • BCC CASE # MIS 12-5460 Steven & Lana Park Vacation Of Easement - Unanimously Approved 4-0 (Commission Anaya did not vote, was no longer available by telephone)
  • BCC CASE #13-5010 Joseph V. Guerrero Vacation Of Easement - Unanimously Approved 4-0 (Commission Anaya did not vote was no longer available by telephone)
  • CDRC CASE # V 12-5111 William Frederick Wagner Variance. - Denied - 4-0 (Commission Anaya did not vote was no longer available by telephone)
  • CDRC Case # Z/S 08-5430 Spirit Wind West Subdivision - Postpone to a later date

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee page All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.