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March 24, 2015 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present.

  • The minutes from the February 10, 2015 BCC Study Session were unanimously approved 5-0.
  • The minutes from the February 10, 2015 BCC Meeting were unanimously approved 5-0.

Employee Recognition, Retirement:

Teresa Martinez, Finance Director, was recognized for her 15 years and 6 months of service. 

All Items approved under the Consent Agenda, passed by unanimous vote (5-0):

Final Orders

BCC CASE # MIS 14-5231 High Summit III.Grevey-Liberman Family Group, Applicant, James W. Siebert and Assoc., Inc., Agent,  request a two-year time extension of the previously approved Final Plat for Phase 2 through 5 of the High Summit III Subdivision under Ordinance No. 2011-11. Passed by unanimous vote 5-0.


  • A Proclamation sponsored by Commissioner Chavez, to recognize Certified Government Financial Managers Month, passed by unanimous vote 5-0.
  • A Proclamation sponsored by Commissioner Holian, to recognize March 26-28, 2015 as Battle of Glorieta Pass Day passed by unanimous vote 5-0.

(End Of Consent Agenda)

Action Items

Resolutions, all items approved by unanimous vote, 5-0

  • Resolution No. 2015-44, Adopt January-June 2015 schedule of new water deliveries. 
  • Resolution No. 2015-45, Delegate authority to the County Manager to sign a Release of Affordable Mortgage and such other documents as may be necessary to comply with the County’s Affordable Housing Program and close the purchase and sale of an Affordable Home located in Santa Fe County, New Mexico.

Matters From The County Manager

  • Budget Study Session proposed for April 14
  • Legislation passed/failed during Legislative Session
  • Update on Santa Fe Brewing LEDA Agreements

Matters from the County Attorney

Executive Session

Threatened or Pending Litigation, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978.

  • Buena Vista Estates, Inc. and Rockology, Inc. v. the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County, State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, No. D-101-CV-2014-02281.
  • Buena Vista Estates, Inc. v. Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency and Santa Fe County, United States District Court, District of New Mexico, Case No. 1:15-cv-00217-WPL-KBM.
  • Robert Seigel, et al., v. Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County, First Judicial District Court, State of New Mexico, Santa Fe County, Cause No. D-101-CV-2015-00586.

(No action was taken on litigation)

Public Hearings

Proposed Ordinance (Possible Action Item)

  • Ordinance No. 2015-03,  Adopt a County Hold Harmless Gross Receipts Tax.  (First and Only Public Hearing).  Passed by unanimous vote 5-0.

Land Use Cases (Possible Action Items)

  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5480 Homewise Inc. Vacation Of Easements.Homewise, Inc. Applicant, (Cornerstone Land Surveying), Jeffery Ludwig, Agent, Request approval to Vacate three (3) private access and utility block easements totaling 0.31 acres +/-.  Passed by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioners Anaya and Holian were not present for the vote)
  • CDRC CASE # Z/PDP/FDP 14-5380 PNM Santa Fe County Solar Energy Center Project.Public Service Company of New Mexico, Applicant, Laurie Moye, Agent, Request Master Plan Zoning, Preliminary and Final Development plan approval to allow a 10 megawatt Electric Solar Facility on a 100 acre site. Passed by unanimous vote 5-0.
  • CDRC CASE # Z/PDP/FDP 14-5370 PNM Caja del Rio Solar Energy Center Project.Public Service Company of New Mexico, Applicant, Laurie Moye, Agent, Request Master Plan Zoning, Preliminary and Final Development Plan Approval to Allow a 5 Megawatt Electric Solar Facility on a 40 Acre Site. Passed by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics abstained from the vote)
  • TABLED: CDRC CASE # Z 06-5033 Village at Galisteo Basin Preserve (“Trenza”) Master Plan Amendment.Commonweal Conservancy (Ted Harrison), Applicant, Request a Master Plan Amendment to reconfigure the planning envelope from 10,360 acres to 3,560 acres, to reduce the size of the development from 965 dwelling units and 150,000 square feet of commercial and civic land uses to 450 dwelling units and 88,500 square feet of mixed use, commercial and civic land uses, a green cemetery and a 60-seat outdoor amphitheater. The Applicant also requests a revision of the original five phase development to six phases that would take place over a period of 12 years.