News and Articles


March 25, 2014 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  Four Commissioners were present; Commissioner Stefanicswas present via telephone for a portion of the meeting.

  • ·         The meeting minutes from the February 25, 2014BCC meeting, passed by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioners Anaya and Stefanics were not present at vote)
  • ·         New employees were recognized 

Consent Calendar – All Items on Consent were passed by unanimous vote 5-0

Budget Actions

  • ·         Resolution No. 2014 - 31, Requesting a budget increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund to budget grant awarded through the Department of Public Safety-NMSP/$18,300, passed by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioners Anaya and Stefanics were not present at vote)

Other Resolutions

  • ·         Resolution No. 2014-___, Amending and restating Resolutions 2011-52 (creating the Road Advisory Committee) and 2012-15 (amending Resolution 2011-52 to modify the composition of the committee) to restructure the composition of the committee and the duties and responsibilities of the committee.  Item was Withdrawn.

(end of consent)

Action Items

  • ·         A presentation was provided by the Solid Waste Task Force on recommendations from the Solid Waste Assessment and Management Study


  • ·         Request authorization to publish title and general summary of Ordinance 2014-___, Amending Ordinance No. 2012-7 (amending Ordinance 2010-5 to extend the time during which permits will remain valid), to ensure that residential Solid Waste Permits sold for fiscal year 2015 and each year thereafter shall not expire until fully utilized, passed by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote)
  • ·          Ordinance No. 2014-3, An Emergency Ordinance Declaring Hazardous Fire Conditions and Imposing Restrictions on Open Fires, Smoking and other Ignition Sources, passed by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for vote)


·         Recommendations for next steps on the old Judicial Complex and County Three-Campus Plan were approved by unanimous vote 5-0

Purchasing Items

  • ·         Approval to award five contracts for Agreement No. 2014-0212-HO/PL On-Call Roofing Services, each in the amount not to exceed $250,000 for a total not to exceed $1,250,000 exclusive of GRT, passed by unanimous vote 3-0 (Commissioners Holian and Stefanics were not present at vote)
  • ·         Approval of Anissa Construction Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $19,302.18 exclusive of GRT for the Las Cienega Fire Station No. 1, passed by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for vote)

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations


  • ·         The North Central Regional Transit District Update was provided by AnthonyMortillaro, NCRTD Executive Director and DanBarrone, NCRTD Chair and Taos County Commissioner
  • ·         Recognition and certificates of appreciation were presented to the Citizen members of the Solid Waste Task Force

Matters From The Commission

  • ·         Proclamation honoring Mayor DavidCossfor his years of service to the City of Santa Fe, item was tabled and will be heard at the Tuesday, April 29 regular meeting
  • ·         Resolution No.___, In support of allowing Tribal Governments to allocate a portion of revenue sharing contributions to local government within the State of New Mexico Gaming compacts for the purpose of assisting local governments to provide services to Tribal Governments and communities within which an Indian Casino is located.  Item was Tabled.

Matters From the CountyManager

Information Items (read into record)

  • ·         Growth Management Monthly Report
  • ·         Public Safety Monthly Report
  • ·         Public Works Monthly Report
  • ·         Human Resources Monthly Report
  • ·         Administrative Services Monthly Report
  • ·         Community Services Monthly Report
  • ·         Financial Report For The Quarter Ending 2/28/2014

Matters From the CountyAttorney

Executive Session

  • ·         Pending and threatened litigation was discussed.  No actions taken.

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days, once approved.