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March 27, 2012 BCC Meeting Summary

March 27, 2012 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe, NM – March 29, 2012 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present.

The February 28, 2012 BCC minutes were approved.

Alice Sealey, Teen Court Program Manager is retiring from Santa Fe County and was recognized for 16 years of service to the Santa Fe County Teen Court Program as well as the teens and families of the community.

The Consent Calendar was unanimously approved. Items X. A. 1, X. B. 1 and X. B.2 were removed from the Consent Calendar.

Road Advisory Committee Appointments

(District 1) Commissioner Mayfield appointed Edward Medina, Levi Valdez, and Robert Hirasuna

(District 2) Commissioner Vigil appointed Charles Harrison and Ann Noble

(District 3) Commissioner Anaya appointed Richard Montoya, Chris Mayrant, Rita-Loy Simmons, Charlie C de Baca and Caroline Moore

(District 4) Commissioner Holian appointed Kent Roberts and Julie Bain

(District 5) Commissioner Stefanics appointed Linda Pierce, Tamara Haas, and Bernard Paiz

El Rancho Community Center Advisory Committee Appointments

Gerald Castaneda, Bennie Gomez, and Gustavo Roybal

Administrative Services Department

A request to approve Amendment #2 to Professional Service Agreement 2010-0250-TR/TRV with Los Alamos National Bank to extend the term was unanimously approved.

Request to approve Amendment #1 to the BI, Inc. contract for Electronic Monitoring Services to increase compensation by $308,000 was approved 3-2, Commissioner Anaya and Mayfield vote against.

Public Works Department

Request approval to award RFP #2012-0055-UT/MS to Molzen Corbin for the engineering services for Lamy Junction Water Transmission Line in the amount of $411,368.96 was tabled 3-2, Commissioner Holian and Vigil voted against.

Ratification of change orders #9, #10 and #11 to the contract with Bradbury Stamm Construction, Inc. for construction of the First Judicial Courthouse Project in the amount of $279,531.32 was approved 3-2, Commissioner Anaya and Mayfield voted against.

Request approval of change order #12 to the contract with Bradbury Stamm Construction, Inc. for construction of the First Judicial Courthouse Project in the amount of $111,039.91 was unanimously approved.

Growth Management

A resolution authorizing a community planning process for the Chimayo Traditional Community was unanimously approved.

Matters from the County Manager

Adam Leigland, Public Works Director went over the new purposed process for prioritizing capital outlay projects.

Matters from the Commission

A proclamation declaring March 26 – March 29 “Battle of Glorieta Pass Days” passed by unanimous 4-0 vote (Commissioner Anaya was not present for this action).

A resolution recognizing the Galisteo Basin Conservation Initiative Plan as a model for watershed, natural resources and green infrastructure planning passed by unanimous 4-0 vote (Commissioner Anaya was not present for this action).

Public Hearings

The first Public Hearing was held for an ordinance establishing a five percent Santa Fe County procurement preference; requiring a Santa Fe County preference certificate to establish eligibility for the preference; establishing application requirements; providing for protest of denial of certificates; establishing penalties.

The first Public Hearing was held for an ordinance that repeals Ordinance 2010-8; reenacting portions of Ordinance 2010-8 and making appropriate amendments; reforming the County’s procurement practices with respect to road and building construction projects to ensure public trust is maintained, projects are properly designed and constructed and completed within budget, ensures that the public trust is maintained through reform to the County’s procurement practices with respect to roads and building construction.

Both ordinances will come back to the Board in April for the second and final hearing.

All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at they are recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 or Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.