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March 27, 2018 BCC Summary

March 27, 2018 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their regular meeting on March 27, 2018. All five (5) Commissioners were present.

The BCC meeting minutes from the February 27, 2017 Board of County Commissioners Meeting were approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.

Employee Recognition
• Recognition of New Santa Fe County Employees.
• Recognition of Years of Service of Santa Fe County Employees.
o Five (5) Years: Erika Garcia- Growth Management
Pauline Esquibel- PS/Corrections
Troy Wood- PS/Corrections
Tony Quintana- PW/Utilities
o Ten (10) Years: Kristine Mihelcic- CMO/PIO
Deborah Leyba-Dominguez- Public Works
Arthur Gonzales- PW/Building Services
Rufino Romero- Sheriff’s Office
• Recognition of Retirements:
o Gary C. Perez, Chief Deputy Assessor
o Ray Matthew, Transportation Planner

Consent Agenda (Action Items)
All Consent Agenda items passed by a unanimous vote of 5-0.
• Approval of County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $4,791.78.
• Approval and Re-execution of the Intergovernmental Agreement Between Santa Fe County and the North Central Regional Transit District.
• Resolution No. 2018-31, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to Budget State Forestry Revenue to the County Fire Department $24,227.
• Resolution No. 2018-32, A Resolution Confirming Santa Fe County’s Commitment to Fair Housing, Establishing a Citizen Participation Plan, Establishing a Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan, Adopting a Section 3 Plan, Confirming It’s Commitment to Abide by Relevant Procurement Policies and Regulations, All as Required by the United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Block Grant Program Requirements.
(End of Consent Agenda)

Action Items
All Action items passed by a unanimous vote of 5-0.
• Appointment of Susan Skea representing the behavioral health community to the DWI Planning Council.
• Resolution No. 2018-33, A Resolution Adopting the Transportation Advisory Committee 2018 Work Plan.
• Approval of Agreement No. 2018-0239-PW Between Santa Fe County and La Cienega Lakeside Mobile Home Park, LLC (Lakeside) to Connect Lakeside to County Water.
• Contingent Approval of Agreement No. 2017-0288-RECC/IC Between Santa Fe County and Superion, LLC to Provide a Comprehensive Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD) for the Regional Emergency Communication Center for a Total Contract Amount of $1,019,015.60, Exclusive of NM GRT, and Grant Signature Authority to the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order.
• Approval of Agreement No. 2018-0060-HA/IC with J3 Systems, LLC for the Re-Roofing of Public Housing Units in the Amount of $323,977.00, Exclusive of NM GRT and Grant Authorization to the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Orders.
• Approval of Construction Contract No. 2018-0247-PW/MM Between Santa Fe County and Mountain States Constructors, LLC, in the Amount of $2,789,718.00, Exclusive of NM GRT for Road Surfacing and Drainage Improvements for Various County Roads and Authorizing the County Manger to Sign and Execute the Agreement and Purchase Order.
• Approval of A Funding Agreement between The United States of America, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation and Santa Fe County for Santa Fe County’s Share of Costs for Planning, Design and Construction of the Pojoaque Basin Regional Water System.

Matters From the County Manager
• Miscellaneous Updates
• Presentation and Update Regarding Open Space and Trails Strategic Plan Process
• Update on Santa Fe County’s American with Disabilities Transition Plan

Matters from County Commissioners
Presentations and Proclamations
• Presentation of A Proclamation Proclaiming the Month of April 2018, as Santa Fe Business Incubator Month in Recognition of Their 20th Anniversary (Action Item) Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
Recognitions and Acknowledgements
• Congratulations and Acknowledgement of the Members of the Santa Fe High School Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC). (Non Action Item) Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
Commissioner Issues and Comments, Including but not Limited to Constituent Concerns, Recognitions, and Requests for Updates or Future Presentations. (Non-Action Items)

Matters from Other Elected Officials (Non-Action Items)
Elected Officials Issues and Comments, Including but not Limited to Updates, Concerns, Recognitions.

Information Items
• Growth Management Department Monthly Report
• Public Safety Department Monthly Report
• Public Works Department Monthly Report
• Human Resources Division Monthly Report
• Community Services Department Monthly Report
• Finance Division Monthly Report

Concluding Business
Adjournment (Action Item)
