News and Articles


March 29, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

March 29, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – March 30, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners, all five Commissioners were present.

The minutes of the February 22, 2011 meeting were unanimously approved with an amendment reflecting Commissioner Anaya's nay vote on the resolution brought forth by Commissioner Holian supporting a ban on steel-jaw and snare traps that are needlessly cruel and indiscriminate

Michelle Hoffman was honored for her service to the County as the Resident Member of the Housing Authority. Dodi Salazar listed her many contributions to Camino de Jacobo Housing Site including work on the community garden, aid to the elderly and the Camino de Jacobo Mural Project. The Commissioners thanked her for her dedication.

The Commission unanimously approved:
• A resolution in support of the County’s acequia associations. Commissioner Mayfield stated the ditches are becoming endangered by the changes in modern living and to preserve the historical, social and cultural importance of the acequias all assistance possible should be rendered.

• A proclamation recognizing Santa Fe’s 400th anniversary upon the close of festivities. The proclamation will be included in a time capsule at the civic center along with a picture of the chamber’s mural and the County seal.

• A proclamation honoring the 14 years of service of Fire Chief Stan Holden upon his retirement. The Commission and County Manager spoke of their personal experiences with Chief Holden and his outstanding service to Santa Fe County and the State of New Mexico, noting his achievements and countless awards received during his tenure. Deputy Chief Dave Sperling presented Chief Holden the traditional white helmet given to the Fire Chief at the time of their retirement. Chief Holden expressed his gratitude for the privilege of a career in public service.

• Final orders for the following land use cases: CDRC Case # VAR 10-5000 – the Tony Martinez Variance, CDRC Case # MP/PDP 10-5520, Creative Daycare, LLC, and CDRC Case #MP/PDP/DP, Santa Maria El Mirador.

• The awarding of a contract to Star Paving for widening County Road 98 (Juan Medina Road, Chimayo) in the amount of $1,094,213.05.

• A resolution accepting a federal American Recover and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant in the amount of $382,000 to assist in the remediation of the First Judicial District Courthouse site.

• An amendment to the MOU between the City and County for the provision of senior services for $560,000.

The Board of County Commissioners unanimously accepted the resignation of Jeff Mahan from the Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board and Lydia Frank was appointed to fill the vacancy.

Monthly Financial Report from Teresa Martinez, Finance Director
• Although revenues were up considerably over last year, this was attributed to bond proceeds that came in
• Expenditures were down considerably, which was due to decreased capital outlay compared to last year
• Both property tax and gross receipts taxes came in over budget, except in the unincorporated area of the county were down and will have to be budgeted up to 15 percent for the next fiscal year
• She anticipated a continuation of the hard freeze on hiring and that some cash will be needed in the upcoming year to balance the budget
• Most departments have turned in their budgets and a special budget session has been scheduled for the morning of May 10, 2011

Public Works Director Robert Martinez introduced an ordinance abolishing the ordinance that established the Road Advisory Committee. The ordinance unanimously passed. A resolution to recreate, construct and streamline the committee was tabled to allow changes regarding alternates and redistributing the representatives in the districts.

Senior Services Coordinator Ron Pacheco gave an update on the senior centers that are transitioning from City operation to County operation. The County will be managing six centers instead of one. Mr. Pacheco has been meeting with the City and State Agency on Aging and is working on establishing the fixed assets, vehicles and staffing plan. Public Community meetings will be held to discuss the transition. For a meeting schedule and more information visit 

Matters from the County Manager, Katherine Miller
• Miller reported that live streaming coverage from the building site of the new judicial complex would incur costs to the County. Public Information Specialist Kristine Mihelcic stated they have started to place weekly status updates on the web utilizing PDF documents that include a weekly summary of activity at the site along with pictures showing construction progress. To view the status updates for the week of March 14 and March 21 visit 
• Hvtce Miller provided a Legislative reported on the bills affecting the County that have passed the House and Senate. Any bills not signed by the Governor by April 8 will be pocket vetoed.
• A committee to study feasibility of a new or remodeled shooting range has been meeting for two years. Captain Ken Johnson from the Sheriff’s Department indicated the committee developed potential plans and a wish list to accommodate increasing demand. Due to lack of funding, the plans are at a standstill.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, Comcast Channel 28 and Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Approved transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days of approval at