News and Articles


March 29, 2016 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present.

BCC meeting minutes from the February 23, 2016 were approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote).

Employee Recognitions

           Erik Sena – PSD/Medical Services /Medical Records Tech – 5 years

            Justin Gonzales – PSD/RECC/Emergency Communication Specialist II – 5 years

            Anna Perez – PSD/Adult Facility/Booking Clerk – 5 years

            Jaclyn Lopez – PSD/Adult Facility/Detention Records Clerk – 10 years

            Marcial Rodriguez – Public Works/Road Maintenance/Heavy Equipment Op – 10 years

            James Dennison – Public Works/Road Maintenance/Heavy Equipment Op – 10 years

            Robin Gurule – Legal Dept./Legal Admin/Legal & Public Records Admin – 20 years

Presentations, Approved by Unanimous Vote, 5-0 unless noted differently

  •          Presentation by the Youth Development Program Task Force. 
  •          Presentation on the Amtrak TIGER Grant.
  •          Proclamation Proclaiming the Day of April 5, 2016, as County Recognition Day for National Service.  Approved by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote).
  •          Proclamation Establishing the Day of March 30, 2016, as Española Valley Sundevil Basketball Team Day.  Approved 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote).
  •          Proclamation Establishing the Day of March 31, 2016, as Capital Jaguars Basketball Team Day.
  •          Proclamation Honoring the Life of Dale Ball.   Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.

Consent Calendar - All Consent Agenda items passed by unanimous vote 5-0


  •          Approved County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $116,467. 


  •          Resolution No. 2016-32, Authorized the County Manager to Sign and Submit an Application to the Department of Finance and Administration Under the Juvenile Adjudication Fund Grant Program. 
End of Consent Agenda

Action Items – All Action Items approved by unanimous vote 5-0 (Unless Otherwise Noted)


  • Resolution No. 2016-33, Directed Staff to Initiate the Santa Fe County Transfer of Development Rights Program. 
  • Resolution No. 2016-34, Recognized the San Pedro Neighborhood Association as a Community Organization for the San Pedro Community Planning Area. 
  • Resolution No. 2016-35, Recognized Las Candelas De Los Cerrillos as a Community Organization for Los Cerrillos Community Planning Area. 
  • Resolution No. 2016-36, Recognized the San Marcos District Planning Committee as a Community Organization for the San Marcos Community Planning Area.
  • Resolution No. 2016-37, Authorized and Delegated to the County Manager the Authority to Execute the Memorandum of Agreement Between the State Human Services Department and Santa Fe County to Implement SB 42.   
  • Consideration of Proposed Resolutions to Support the Management Strategy for Segment of the Santa Fe River Between the Santa Fe Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Boca Del Canon.
  • Tabled Indefinitely (approved 4-0, Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote) - Resolution No. 2016-__, A Resolution Supporting Immediate Reduction of the Beaver Population on the Santa Fe River below the City of Santa Fe Wastewater Treatment Plant and Extending to the Boca del Canon.
  • Tabled until June 2016 (approved 4-0, Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote) - Resolution No. 2016-__, A Resolution Supporting Joint Efforts to Plan and Implement a Holistic Management Strategy for the Segment of the Santa Fe River between the Sana Fe Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Boca del Canon to Include Riparian, Wildlife and Streamflow Management.


  •          Authorized County to Enter into Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Agreement with Cielo Colorado Land Company, LLC for Cielo Colorado Estates.
  •          Approved Contractual Services Agreement No. 2016-0174-PW/RM between Santa Fe County and Engineering Economics, Inc. for the Commissioning of the New County Administration Building at 100 Catron St., and the Renovation of the Old Administration Building at 102 Grant Ave. in the Amount of $268,130.00, Excluding NMGRT, and Grant Signature Authority to the County Manager to Execute the Purchase Order for the Agreement.     
  •          Approved Amendment No. 3 to Agreement 2012-0145-PW/PL with Iron Mountain Information Management, LLC for Records Management and Storage Services, Increasing the Compensation by an Additional $60,000 and Extending the Term for One Additional Year, for a Total Agreement Amount of $270,000.
  •          Approved Amendment No. 1 to Electronic Site Lease 2015-0151-FD/SO/BT for the Public Safety Department’s Radio Communication Towers.
  •          Authorized staff to move forward with an Ordinance for Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Collection to include and incentive program.  Approved 4-1 (Commissioner Anaya voted against).



  • Authorized staff to Publish Title and General Summary of Ordinance 2016-___, The Place at Caja Del Rio, A Senior Living Project, Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) Project Ordinance.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Ordinance No. 2016-2, Amended Section 3.5.4 of Ordinance No. 2015-11, The Santa Fe County Sustainable Land Development Code, Concerning Hearing Officer Qualifications.  (FIRST AND ONLY PUBLIC HEARING) Approved by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for vote).


Matters From The County Manager

  • Determination that Santa Fe Film and Media Studios, Inc. Satisfied Its Economic Development Goals
  • Final Legislative Update
  • Updates on Tribal Summit, April 22, 2016 and Behavioral Health Summit – Changing the Model, May 19, 2016


Matters from the County Attorney

Executive Session

  • Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:

o   City of Espanola, et al., v. County Commission of Santa Fe County, et al.,State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District, No. D-101-CV-2015-01396.

o   American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 18, AFL-CIO v. Board of County Commissioners of the County of Santa Fe, PELRB Case Nos. 107-15, 128-15, and 305-15.

o   Right of Ways for County Roads.

o   Disputes with the City of Santa Fe Regarding Buckman Direct Diversion Project and Water Resources Agreement.

o   Dispute with A.A.C. Construction, LLC, Regarding Improvements to Vista Redonda and Paseo Encantado Roads.

o   Martinez and Mavis, et al v. Santa Fe County,State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, Cause No. D-101-CV-2016-00671.

End of Closed Session

The Following Action was taken by the Board as a result of Closed Executive Session:

With regard to disputes with the City of Santa Fe concerning project wide costs and litigation expenses of the Buckman Direct Diversion Project, the County agrees to forego the first two steps in the informal dispute resolution process, subject to the agreement of the City and Las Campanas entities to forego those steps. 

With regard to the dispute with the City of Santa Fe concerning litigation expenses of the Buckman Direct Diversion Project, the County Manager is delegated the authority to negotiate and execute on behalf of the County an agreement whereby the County would agree to retroactively apply any litigation expense contribution percentages agreed to in mediation or established by a final arbitral award and to push back the date on which arbitration can be demanded to allow the mediation to occur.

Both motions approved by unanimous vote, 5-0

Information Items

  •          Growth Management Monthly Report
  •          Public Safety Monthly Report
  •          Public Works Monthly Report
  •          Human Resources Monthly Report
  •          Administrative Services Monthly Report
  •          Community Services Monthly Report
  •          Financial Report for the Quarter Ending February 29, 2016