News and Articles


March 31, 2010 Budget Study Session Summary

March 31, 2010 Budget Study Session Summary

Santa Fe – April 5, 2010 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:

  • The administrative functions – Finance, Human Resources, Procurement, Risk Management, and Information Technologies – currently distributed throughout the various departments to be consolidated under the oversight of the Administrative Services Department (ASD)
  • All community funds be eliminated for a savings of $142,500
  • Make an effort to reduce leased properties and transition towards moving operations, where possible, to County-owned facilities
  • To renegotiate exiting Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the City of Santa Fe for the operation cost of the Regional Emergency Communication Center (RECC )
  • Staff provide a recommendation for Solid Waste fees, with ideas for a reasonable increase at the next administrative meeting
  • Of the nine requested Full Time Employee (FTE) positions to be filled, seven of those be filled from within the County
  • Eliminate the summer internship program, effective immediately
  • Accept the recommendations for reductions proposed by the Finance Director, including continuation of the hard freeze on 34 vacant positions, reductions to the capital package and the contingency fund, continue to cover the Edgewood satellite office with existing staff, eliminate funding to the Eldorado youth recreation program (Eldorado School was not able to participate), operational reductions within departments of $1.2 million, and continue to provide the Regional Planning Authority (RPA) with existing staff

All of the motions passed without opposition.

Additionally, staff was asked to look at potential revenue enhancements.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to . Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at