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March 8, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

March 8, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – March 10, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:

With the five Commissioners present the minutes of the February 1, 2011 and February 8, 2011 meeting were unanimously approved.

Public Concerns
Rebecca Frenkel and Jody Larson addressed the Commission regarding the Sole Community Provider Funds and Christus St. Vincent's full-page newspaper appeal. The community's gratefulness to Christus St. Vincent was mentioned.

The Commissioners made the following announcements:
• Santa Fe centenarian Vicenta Josefa Ortiz-Martinez was recognized for her accomplishments and community involvement as well as congratulated for her 100-birthday milestone
• Collective bargaining was recognized as an important tool and support voiced for organized labor across the country with the hope of a swift resolution to the current disputes
• Public safety issues regarding the importance of immigrant driver’s licenses were highlighted
• Wildfire season – residents were urged to clear brush from and around their residences. Residents can visit for additional information
• Fix-a-Leak Week is March 14 – March 20
• Santa Fe Senior Centers were recognized as important components of the community and the transition from the City to County was requested to be as seamless as possible
• A Santa Fe 400th Anniversary celebration will be held on the plaza Saturday, March 12

The Commission passed a Resolution Supporting Senate Joint Memorial 13 That Encourages the Development and Advertising of Outdoor Programs for Children. 

The Commission passed a Resolution Supporting North Central New Mexico Conservation Modeling Initiative to Develop a Unified Conservation Model.

A Proclamation passed by unanimous voice vote declaring March 26 - March 29 the Battle of Glorieta Pass Days. Mr. Alfonso Sanchez gave a brief history of the battle stating that during the Civil War, New Mexico became a key arena for the west as the Confederate Army advanced. He noted the US victories of the Battle of Glorieta Pass took place a year and a half before Gettysburg and became a turning point in the Civil War by preventing the Confederates from taking control of gold mines from Colorado to California.


Health Policy & Planning Commission (HPPC)
The following individuals were unanimously appointed James Bond, George Gamble, Kathleen Rowe, Anna Vigil, Judith Williams and Deborah Armstrong.

DWI Program Planning Council
The following individuals were unanimously appointed: Ken Coleman, Jim Jackson, Lisa Wooldridge, Michael Sisneros, Allen Steele, Richard DeMella, Grace Quintana-Trujillo and Vivian Nelson. Continuing their terms are Louis Carlos, Donna Morris and Yvonne Ortiz.

City & County Food Policy Advisory Council
The following individuals were unanimously reappointed: Steve Shepherd, Renee Villarreal and Steve Warshawer.

Consent Agenda
Final Orders for CDRC Cases VAR 10-5230; MIS 10-5450 and MIS 10-5510 were unanimously approved.

PNM Caja del Rio Substation final order was approved by a majority [4-1] vote with Commissioner Anaya voting against.

A resolution authorizing publication of a Notice of Sale of the Santa Fe County NM General Obligation Improvement and Refunding Bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $19 million passed by unanimous voice vote.

Community Services Department
• An increase of services with INTERA for environmental remediation services for the new First Judicial Courthouse was approved by majority [4-1] voice vote with Commissioner Mayfield voting against.
• A contract amendment to Souder, Miller and Associates for the dewatering and water treatment systems at the new First Judicial District Courthouse was approved by unanimous voice vote.
• A Resolution directing staff to apply for a $400,000 Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant to assist in the remediation of the new First Judicial District Courthouse site was unanimously approved.
• The Sole Community Provider commitment was approved by a majority [3-2] voice vote with Commissioners Mayfield and Anaya voting against: Recognizing the tremendous challenges before the County and Christus St. Vincent and in an effort to stay within the federal regulations the motion established Santa Fe County’s match in the amount of $2.1 million, Christus St. Vincent’s share $1.9 million, total Sole Community Provider base funding of $6.9 million and Christus St. Vincent’s total base share of $6.4 million.

County Manager Update
Ms. Miller provided an update on Legislative matters: The bill to eliminate the position of County Surveyor at the time had passed two committees. The property tax rebate bill is before the Senate Finance Committee. She noted a number of tax lightning bills have been introduced and don’t appear to be favorable to the County’s tax revenue.

Ms. Miller responded an article in the Journal newspaper and a portion of misinformation related to Santa Fe County. She assured the Commission and public that no County funds were expended for a film crew to scout in New Mexico. The State Film Office requested the County to serve as fiscal agent regarding the use of the State plane, but there was never an agreement signed and absolutely no funds have been received or dispersed by Santa Fe County in relation to this.

The County assisted the National Guard with the La Bajada Water System. Ms. Miller expected the County’s assistance will not be needed in the near future and noted it was a unique situation related to the unusual cold weather.

The Commission discussed the 2012 Travel Budget and its previous decision regarding budgetary essentials. Ms. Miller advised the Commission that all travel had been removed from the budget.

Growth Management Director & Land Use Administrator Jack Kolkmeyer provided an update on the scheduled Code Enforcement community “sweeps.” The sweeps are intended to involve community cooperation in correcting code violations including litter, junk vehicles and unpermitted development. Areas for 2011 sweeps include I-25/E. Frontage Road, Boneyard Road area, N/S Fork/Silverado, and Mutt Nelson Road area. Where appropriate the sweeps will be conducted in coordination with the City of Santa Fe.

The following Growth Management applications were unanimously [5-0] approved:
• Global Wine Connection, Inc. Wholesaler Wine and Spiritous Liquor License
• Sturrock Variance: James Sturrock
• Wiliiam Becher Easement Vacation

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Recorded transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once approved at

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Kristine Mihelcic (Mi-hel-sick)
Public Information / Media Production